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Holiday,eating and complicated friendships.

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Today I was 181.2 pounds.


The holiday starts next tuesday when we fly home.I am super excited as my family havent seen me since July and I have lost a lot since then.now I weigh less than both my mommy and my sister and they dont like this much at all.Will not talk much about weight loss and try to put the focus on them (in July I tried to put them on diet...lol)


The kind of foods I eat changes about every 2 weeks.It seems I get something I really enjoy,eat it almost every day for 2 weeks and then get tired and move to something different.I should just list the old favourites so I can start cooking something different that I like every day.It seems like I forget what I use to eat and liked very quickly..lolIt looks like someone else might be using your account

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I will take some protein shake for pancakes and some syrup with on holiday.Thank goodness Woolies have some great pre prepared protein that has no added carbs like chicken,meatballs,little kebab scewers ect ect.I will live on it and the abundance of great seafood.


I now wear a size 12 top and 14 bottom.It also seems that I will end up smaller than a 12 which I find unbelievable.


At the moment I have become quite shy and am way to easily embarrassed when people make a big fuss about my weight loss.And boy,some people have no end and selective amnesia,or they just dont really see me as week after week at church the same people act so surprized about my size and make a scene infront of others.But I shouldnt complain,people are just people.I do avoid some social situations sometimes as a lot of my very overweight friends are so uncomfortable (shame,they act guilty and start talking about their weight and plan when they will diet) that it makes me sad for them.


I use to be very outspoken and critical of people that said they'd made new friends and left behind old ones after surgery.The old friends were the ones that loved you and cared about you when you were fat right?But I am starting to understand this now a little better.How long do I expose myself to people that are not spontaneous in my company anymore?How long do I act as if their comments about living long for their kids so they will never do this surgery (they are overweight,joint issues,back ache,high blood pressure ect ect..how wiil they live longer?) dont slightly annoy me?How long do I have to make jokes at my own expense (ah,dont worry I am thin now but when I lift my arm my batwing knocks me unconcious..hehe,not so funny anymore)(ugg,its true,I need boob lift,arm lift,body lift,thigh lift and maybe face and eyelid lift)


So,I do think in this wonderful trancient society that I live in,some new friends that dont know that I was ever that big,is on the new years resolution list.Just some people with whom I can relax and be myself.Will still see and love the old ones but they better get over themselves pronto as I am proud of the fact that my sacrificing my stomach and all my hard work after hat has paid off,and one of these days I will have the confidence to say so.In the meantime I am trying to be patient and loving and kind to them.


Ok,now for the next 5 pounds,fast..lol





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I've been thinking about what I will say to folks. I'm pretty much an open book and have told all my friends what I am having done. Here's my plan - say "Thank You" and change the subject. At a gathering you can always see someone you really need to say hi to and walk away. I refuse to let anyone try to make me feel badly about myself and my health choices. This is no different than breastfeeding my babies. I always hear women say they couldn't nurse for some reason or another. I change the subject (my babies are 32 and 31). I wish you good luck and thick skin.

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My skin will get thicker Im sure.Just not use to so much attention,be it positive or negative.big people are so often dismissed that I am still a little resentful about the change in some for the attention they now give me after disregarding me for so long and angry at some for not really loving me the way I am now,rhin.We joke and say a bad side effect of this surgery is my personality seems to have shrunk with my body and That is just not a good thing.

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