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Sleeve or Lap Band

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Hello Everyone,


My name is Angel. I recently went to a seminar with the purpose of finding out everything I could about the Lap Band. When they started the power point they went over the Sleeve. I has not heard of it before but there were others there who are excited about it. The more I heard the more I wanted to learn. I go for my first consultation on Dec 18th.


So I guess my question would be: How many others here was the Lap Band their first choice but then decided to go with the Sleeve and why...


Thanks for any input you can spare !!



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Personally, I wouldn't do the band due to the complications it can cause; and it causes many and some are major. My surgeon said they are trying to get rid of them due to all the complications. I'm having my sleeve on 12/19 and feel it's the perfect choice for me. My advise to you is to do a ton of research, go to obesityhelp.com and you can read forums on each of the different surgeries to see how people do with them. There are hundreds of people that have gone from lapband to sleeve due to complications; so why have 2 surgeries when you can just have one :) Good luck!

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I went thru the exact same thing that you did. I was interested in Lap Band and went to a seminar that a surgeon was having, in it he discusses the lap band, sleeve and bypass. The more information I had I decided to go with the sleeve. I had a few main reasons, for one I am a self pay patient, even though lap band was cheaper up front, the cost of having to have adjustments for the rest of my life was not appealing. Even more so when I started researching the percentage of lap band patients that have to have a second surgery to either remove or replace the band was scary I believe it was around 15%. I would think even if my insurance covered it I would not be comfortable with the facts. The sleeve seems to be the new standard, for me it also seemed the most natural. To not rearrange my guts (like with bypass) or have some foreign object inside me.

Had my sleeve just about two months ago now and I am very happy with my decision, best of luck to you!

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I am newly sleeved 10 days ago. I went to my first WLS meeting 9 months ago. I had already looked into the band 4 years prior and even signed up for it but changed my mind. I am so glad I did. There are so many people out there with problems with the band. Do your research before your decide. When I went to the last WLS meeting I found out about the sleeve. I had never heard of it before. I went to consider the by-pass. When I heard about the sleeve I was very excited. That is when I started my research. And here I am 25 lbs lighter and things are looking up for me. Best of luck.

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I had the lapband and had success until the shoulder pain and the weight gain started! now im a sleever and if i had to i would sleeve myself again! Lapband gets a thumbs down in my opinion.

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I went to the seminar prepared to do the band last November 2011. I liked the fact that if there was a problem, it could be taken out. It seemed less invasive, no overnight in hospital. Overall less of a procedure. I had my first consult with the lapband Dr. in December but someone at work was going for the sleeve and so I decided to consult with the sleeve Dr. too.

I went to a couple of support meetings and were surprised that there were band people there who were switching over to either sleeve or bypass. I also read a lot of stories where people seemed to have a hard time finding that right spot between not enough restriction and too much. I also read about bands eroding and slipping and after giving it some thought and not wanting to do it twice, I decided to just go for the sleeve. I am so glad. I have been so successful, I feel so good and so normal. Including the 8 lbs that I lost from my first appt with the Dr until my surgery in May, I have lost 75 lbs and have 15 more to go.

Each person has to weigh the pros and cons and make their own decision. Someone else I know from work has been very successful with the band and her husband is having it done this week. I also do not know if there will be complications in the future because of my sleeve. It was the chance I took. You weigh all the pros and cons and get input from people both that have had the sleeve and the band. It seems like there is more eating restriction with the band and maybe more nausea. I have not been nauseous but the girl I know with the band seemed to be but that may not statistically be the norm for these two surgeries, just happens to be our different experiences.

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I too went to the seminar thinking I was going to do the Lap-Band but after hearing more about the sleeve it seemed to be a smarter route. I was a self pay patient as well which makes you alot more causious of the after effects and keep up with the surgery. With the Lap-Band there was alot of maintenence that would be costly not included with the beginning fee. I also like how the sleeve is a more permanent tool and 'makes' you aware of what you are putting in your body vs the lap band doesnt give you as much restrictions I believe. I had my surgery December 6th with Dr Hoehn, he was absolutly amazing through the whole process and offer a pretty good promotional fee. Im still pretty sore and am worried about getting dehydarated but making sure I SIP SIP SIP right? lol

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I was interested in the band at first also but after the seminar I changed my mind.. I didn't want the long term maintenance. I am nervous about surgery 12-31-2012 but I choose the sleeve. Hopefully all goes well!

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I had the lapband in 2006 and just had it converted to the sleeve.

Zazi I had shoulder pain, too! And weight gain. And constant pain in my port site. And constant HUNGER! I'm THRILLED to have that band out of me. If the sleeve had been a viable option in 2006, I would have done that instead of the lapband.

It's obviously your choice, but I've been more successful my first 30 days on the sleeve than I was with the band. I'm 35 lbs down and haven't had any hunger since surgery.

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I had a lapband put in back in 2007 and I just had it removed and revised to a sleeve on 11/1/12 due to losing the ablity to swallow. I did well with my weight lose (110 lbs) and was able to kept if off. But there are a lot of issues with the band, I throw up alot and there's alot of different foods you cant eat and alot of other medical band issues that can come up. Please do your research, doctors dont alway tell you everything. If the sleeve was available thru my insurance back in 07, I would have had that done instead. But Im thankful that I had it done, because it taught me how eat and I still use those tools with the sleeve.

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I have had a gastric band for 3 years and have had nothing but problems with it. My weight loss was good....but it has slipped and now I am scheduled for sleeve surgery on the 18th. I just hope I don't have erosion or anything that prevents me from having the sleeve. My husband didn't want me to have the surgery to begin with, and now he is so mad that I have to have another surgery. I really wish I had known all the longer term problems band patients have!

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