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New Sleeve - Day 6

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If i could sum up last few days since getting sleeved back on Nov 20th, I'd have to say that overall things are going much better than I expected. My first 2 days after getting home from the hospital were a piece of cake. I know I was very lucky in this regard because I've been reading this support site for many months and know many new sleevers really struggle the first few days so I consider myself fortunate.


Before getting sleeved, it's so hard to imagine what the physical sleeve will actually feel like after the operation. It's like one day you go from having the stomach you've known all of your life to one that's a fraction of that size. So it's not only the size that changes, but the funcitonality too. Yes, I can "feel" that my sleeve takes up less space in my abdominal cavity than my full-size stomach did. it's weird, but I'm getting used to it, and I like it. It makes me feel "smaller". Sorry for all of the quotes here, but I want everyone to know that it's my interpretation of how I feel and that's the best way I can describe it. Not everyone's experience will be the same.


That said, there were a couple of things that I noticed during the first few days that I wanted to note for myself in this blog and for anyone else it might help. I know I was CRAZY with questions like this before surgery.


As i said, the first 2 days were easy, I had only a little problem getting my 60 oz of water and 60 oz of protein in. The problem with having this requirement is that you can't play catch up. you have to drink constantly throughout the day. It's not like you can go with no water and protein during the day then drink all that's necessary in the evening, there is simply no room in the sleeve to do it. I've become much better at pacing myself as far as that's concerned.


After day 2, my energy level dropped a bit. Nothing drastic, but I felt a little sluggish and I felt hungry, especially at night! My wife made a stop at Jason's Deli and picked up their tomato basil soup and garden vegetable. She brought it home and ran it through the blender until everything was liquified. It was like filet mignon! I'm Not sure why, but it tasted incredible! Maybe after so many days of protein shakes, anything would have tasted great. I have noticed that strangely my sense of smell seems to be keener...reality or my imagination? not sure.


Around day 4, I started to develop severe headaches. I mean migrain headaches where light and sound just drive you nuts. It continued unbearably through day 4 and on day 5 I called the Dr. office. It first I thought I was dehydrated. I read a lot about dehydration on this site and wanted to be sure it wasnt that, headache being one of the symtoms. But then I remembered that I'd been getting the required 60 oz of water and even more sometimes. Apart from this blazing headache and feeling a little dizzy, I felt pretty good. I mean good spirits, good energy level, happy with the sleeve, etc. So I went into the Dr and they thought it could be a number of different things including caffeine withdrawl ( I doubted it), sinus infection, body adjustment from lack of food etc. I figured they would suggest all of those. So they did some blood work and they're suppodsed to get back with me. In the meantime, they gave me some pain meds, but not for the stomach for the headaches. I helps a little but even today I woke with some headache, not as bad as 2 days ago, but it's still there. The only other possble things that Dr didnt mention were the type of protein (which yesterday I was convinced it was the cause), and anesthisea. I had read things about that having some headache type effects even days after the surgery. This is one I'm still trying to solve. I still don't know the cause. Today i can feel it, but not bad. Other than that, I feel great. No hunger at all yesterday or today! yeahh.


Oh, almost forgot to mention the sore throat - one thing that Dr really mention too much. as I might have mentioned, around day 3 I started to get a sore throat. Not deep in the throat, but more like in the back of the palate. OK, I thought, great, I'm trying to recover from sleeve surgery and now I get to deal with a throat infection. Not at all. Although they *may* have mentioned it, I certainly dont remember, during the surgery they put a breathing tube down your throat while you;re asleep. I felt nothing when I came out of surgery, but then day 3 I really felt it. It was like the roof of my mouth had been bruised or something. Feels like a sore throat and I wish they would have reminded me of that. Other than that, no other negative symptoms. So far, likin' the sleeve.


Ok, now back to drinking my soup...only 8 days before I can have soft (mushy) foods...I can't wait!


Almost forgot to mention..down 7 lbs since getting sleeved 6 days ago!


More later,



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Hi Joe

I am on day 12 post op. I had not thought about it but..I can feel my stomach is smaller too very strange. Also my sense of smell and taste is also much keener. The only thing that made me sick was some liquid vitimin I had purchased when I smelled it I already knew ahhhh no WAY!!

Did you stop Caffine before the op? I stopped 3 weeks before the surgery and was shocked at the intense headaches I had! Hope you feel better soon my problem was my pack it was killing me. Felt strange had no pain in my stomach but the gas in my back was bad! Almost gone now.

I am 2 days from soft foods on the countdown so sick of the protein drinks

Good luck Joe We can do it


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It has been a very up and down journey for me...the surgeon was great, no probs, what freaked me out was how little food it took to feel overly full. I had one bad dumping experience and realized that I will take all the time I need to go from one food group to the next...It is hard to get all the protein and fluids in but if you can you will see results on the scale..I was sleeved Oct 15th

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