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How Much Do We Really Eat?

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It is interesting to see how little I really eat.Also will be interesting to see what the scale does when I get back home.


We are staying in a hotel and we have breakfast included.This is what I ate.Half a soft boiled egg,.25 of a arabic flat bread,about half an once of brie cheese,one teaspoon of hummus,half a slice of deli beef.A cappucino before I ate.


Then at 12:00 2 pieces of beef jerky.At 2:30 we ordered lunch.I ordered a beef burger that looked so great I told the kids to get the camera,Im going to eat the whole thing...lol.Well,I ate .25 of the hamburger patty because I first saw some lettuce leaves with a little balsamico and I had to eat that.At 17:30 we decided to have a pina quilada in the sea while gently rocking on our chairs in the water.This made me so nauseous I am still recovering...lol.Also a bit giggly as I still havent learnt to stop after half a drink which would have been just enough.Now there is a international buffet my family wants to go to and I will have to see what I can eat.


The thing is I am totally HOOKED on protein pancakes.It is so crazy!I miss them so much when I cant have it.It like a meal,protein and pudding all in one for me and I just love them!


Tis stupid scale at the hotel weighed me 3 pounds heavier than my home scale just whe we arrived and of course this makes me paranoid.Hope it isnt right though I doubt it.


We went on the boat today with the kids on the tube.Tomorrow we will go and snorkel ar Dibba rock and then join the kids for a joy ride on the banana tube just to show how brave mom's gotten.


We played badmington on the beach for a long long time and my energy is endless now.


Life is so different now that i am so much lighter.I dont sit and watch everyone do the fun things any more,I participate in every thing there is to do.


I cannot wait to go skiing some time early next year.


More than anything I cannot wait to lose this last 30 pounds so I can start looking into plastics.My butt is hanging behind my knees and no bathing suite stays over it.I am constantly pulling and tugging to keep it in place and will seriously have to look for a different style one.The wrinckly skin also bothers me a little,but hey,I dont know anyone one here so am not too self concious (spelling!)


Life is good and not even the cold I have could spoil the fun this time around!

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Hi dinnh,

I take 2 egg whites,a scoop of french vanilla protein powder ( disolved in a little water)Add to that a little half and half (30ml).Now I add Ispagulla husk to it (20g of fiber)I allow the fiber to swell up and then I make sweet,but not too sweet,pancakes with it.The consistency of my mix is different all the time though as I just chuck things together.

I eat it with sf maple syrup and it is a meal and pudding for me all in one.

The cals is 150 protein is 34 and it is very filling.Some days I eat this in 2 portions as morning and afternoon snack as Im trying to spread the protein out over the day.

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