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Post - Op Day 4

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blogs/blog-0313360001351765635.jpgYES! I'm finally post op.

Day 4 to be exactly, but I could use a little help.


1. How many ounces should I be sipping each time I take a 'sip'. I don't know if i'm trying to take in way to much liquid to quickly or what because It'll stay down for an hour or two and then it will come right back up, but it's always like 1 to 2 oz that comes back up.


My Dr. said every patient spits up until they find out how they respond to diffrent sippings at diffrnent times.


Now , see, with me you can't just tell me to figure it out and hope that you pick the right amount and times.... it's more like with me I need a checklist that tells me to drink this much at this time.


My guess is i'm trying to drink to much to fast.


2. Is this what you guys call gas pains when you feel so full and bloated that you'd give anything to burp? because i'd give anything to be able to burp and get this full feeling off my belly.


As a heart patient its taking my body a while longer to get used to things.... I haven't even farted or passed a bile movement one.


Answers? Help? What's good for a distressed belly?

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A small sip was hard for me as I am a water gulper normally. lol. Anyway it is a must, I kinda purse my lips and slowly inhalea small amount of liquid now. I remember my surgeon saying that we must remember our stomach is going to be smaller than what our mouth can hold in water so we must be careful not to take in too much or up it will come because our stomachs can not hold it all at once. So I sip a little every ten minutes. It takes a lot to remember to keep an eye on the clock.

On the gas I would get a pain that travelled all around my belly. It took me two days to fart but once it starts it is a great relief.

Sounds like your doing good. Take care

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Thank you so much for your response.

I still haven't farted but today is my first day home, and i've been up and walking a lot. I feel so bloated so i'm going to try the gas x strips that i've heard work wonders. I've burped without spitting up at all today! I think i'll set my clock on my phone to go off every 10 min.

Should I be drinking average temp liquids cause I've been drinking cold stuff all day and it kinda gives me this weird nauseaus feeling when it goes down... like I can feel it go allll the way down. : /

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You are very welcome. The walking you are doing will help you to get the gas out. I was pressing on my belly in the hospital and my surgeon told me not to apply any pressure to my stomach yet. The gas will roll around especially when you walk a lot. A warning when it starts rolling in your abdomen it can be painful. I just went with it and moaned through it. Now it's funny but the moan helped tolerate it. I only spit up recently and I am 5 weeks out. That was cause I over ate.

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