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Two Weeks... Well Technically 13 Days!

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Wow. Time has gone by SO fast. It felt like I just posted that I had a month to go, and now here it is the two week mark. I am almost perfect on my liquid diet. I say almost because I had some crackers (4) the other night to help take some medication. I haven't weighed myself yet, but I probably will on Friday.


November 13th! It is just around the corner. I am really busy at work so that helps. Next week is my last week at work and then I will be off until December 3rd. I have a lot to do before I go on leave.


I am going to clean out my closet this weekend. I am going to donate everything that is slightly big on me now as well as most of the rest of my clothes that fit too. I have a lot of clothes in smaller sizes from when I grew too big to fit into them, way in the back of my closet. I figure why wait until after surgery to do it? I have pjs and comfortable clothes (T-shirts, Sweats, etc) to wear while I am healing and the clothes I am donating, I don't ever want to see again. Bye-bye size 22, so long size 20. I have 18 and 16 waiting for me. I CANNOT wait to say sayanora to those as well. I haven't been a single digit size since BEFORE grade school.


I am taking pics this weekend along with taking my measurements.

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I wish you the best of luck , how ironic that I am also having my surgery on Nov 13 , and I actually cleaned out my closet this past weekend and gave away alot of clothes that i didnt want and also kept only a few things to wear now that its getting cold and like you , I also have some very nice clothing that i had from before sizes 16 - 18. I wear a 20 right now.

I was suppose to start my pre op liquid diet today but I failed misserably, I got to a good start but around 6 pm , I was just so hungry and wanted to have some of the left over morrocan food that I brought back home last night. any advice?

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That is a GREAT coincidence!!! I can't believe how similar our surgeries are. As for advice, I guess I would say that I am a big planner. I spent the past few weeks leading up to my liquid diet being proactive. I first started subbing one meal (breakfast) for a protein shake and then eating two regular meals. After about 2 weeks of that, I started subbing 2 meals a day for a protein shake and switching my last meal to low carb. I was doing that for about 10 days and then shifted to my full liquid diet (with sugar free jello and/or 1 greek yogurt per day) fairly easily. I say do what you can.

I got this advice from my surgeon (along with his nurse and also my nutritionist agreed): If you can make two of your meals per day a protein shake, then eat one meal low carb (only carbs from veggies). Try to make your protein lowfat. It will still accomplish the goal of shrinking your liver and you should drop a few pounds. Try to make your meal about 400 calories or less. That one meal plus the two protein shakes will still make your calories around 1000 or less for the day.

I don't know if it will help you, but it has been a lifesaver for me. And if I absolutely cannot make it until the 11th (no food at all the day before surgery) without eating real food, I know I can eat something as long as it is pure lowcarb.

Good luck to you on journey. I wish you the best. I hope you will keep in touch with your progress, because it will be nice to see someone who's so similar to me going through the same process.

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I have had nothing but Slim fast shakes and water for 11 days so far.....It has not been easy, I am hungry all the time..the smell of food cooking whaffs through the house ..and it makes me feel like I am not going to make it..

Then I went to my last pre-op appointment on Tuesday and only lost a few ounces....

They were concerned that my liver was not shrinking enough for the surgery....

They phoned me later and told me it was a go as I had lost 17 lbs from the previous pre-op diet that I was bumped from.....

I wiped the tears of joy from my eyes and continued drinking this disgusting liquid.....

I really think it comes down to mind set...if you are ready...you are ready..if not then figure out why and make the changes......

Remember that you are doing this for you and no one else......remember what you want to become and why you are doing this in the first place....keep it on the frig or close to you to remind yourself...and keep a journal...

And for goodness sake...pat yourself heartily on the back for progressing in any way you can......

You have gone through so much to allow food to stop you in your goal......There is no failing miserably, it was a test run......


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