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My Company Is Changing Insurance During Approval Phase. Crap!

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blogs/blog-0166408001351023221.jpgI'm pretty much at the very beginning of my adventure...Had my first appointment last week, and have my psych. evaluation scheduled for next week. On Friday I received a letter in the mail, from the Company that I work for, stating that they will be changing insurance providers from Aetna to Blue Cross Blue Shield. This becomes effective January 1, 2013. Yikes!!! I'm honestly spazzing a little bit. Just when I finally get to a place where I can get it done (job stability, decent insurance, and a made up mind), this happens.


I called my insurance coordinator at the Dr.'s office and she suggested that I call BCBS and see if they cover WLS. So I call them and they say that it's not listed in the plan, or at least the description that he saw on his screen. Now I have to speak with my Company's Benefits Administrator. Shall we pray!!!!!!!


The Coordinator at the Dr.'s office told me that even if they say "no", there's a way around it. I wonder what that's about.


Anywhoooo, I know I need to stay positive, so I'm going to try not to stress.

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Find out what the Dr's schedule is and see if you can get on the surgery calendar prior to the end of the year so you will still be covered by your current insurance and won't have to worry about BCBS after Jan 1. I would think that if you are already in the process, and the insurance company has your claim issued for approval and the coverage is available, then you could potentially be "grand fathered" and still covered since the approval for coverage was prior to the end of the policy coverage. Ask lots of questions, and you might even go talk to your benefits provider rep/HR in your office to see if they can help you with the process to get you covered while you're still eligible under this policy.

I just heard that our company is changing the policy (not the company). After Jan 1, instead of it being covered 100% (only $10 co-pays are out of pocket during the appointments) there will be a $1,000 deductible required for the procedure in the future.

Good luck! I hope you can get things figured out so you can get it covered while you're still under your current policy!!

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I don't know what State you reside in. I have BCBS in NC state plan. It is covered. The sleeve just got covered. It was not always covered by BCBS. Howver, each state is different. I agree with the other post. Hopefully, you can be sleeved this year so you want have to worry whether they cover it or not. Praying that everything work out in your favor. God Bless you and keep us posted!!!

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BCBS is funny - it really depends on the state you are in and whether your company decides to cut the cost of insurance for everyone by excluding all WLSs.

There are options.. You may be able to get it done by the end of the year.

The same thing happened to me last year - I scheduled my surgery for January 30th 2012 and my company was acquired last December. My new policy excluded all WLSs so I decided to postpone it until 2/21/2013 and pay for it myself.

I hope things work out for you!

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That has happened to me as well - nearly approved - layouff... nearly approved - new insurance... nearly approved - oh you need six months weightloss supervision....

So don't give up - I started my desire for WLS back in 2005 and I'm really glad it took so long because I am so comfortable with the idea of the VSG... I did lose 20 pounds during the six month Nutritionist visits and now I'm down another 20 pounds - 5 weeks post-op. The six months really prepared me for the post-op period! Don't give up!

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Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom. I spoke to my company's Benefits person and he does not expect anything to change. WoooHooooo! He said that they will be working on a transition plan for those who are in the middle of treatment so I should be fine. Thank God!

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