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36 Hours Of Clear Liquids



Follow up from Monday's fiasco from taking Nyquil. I did not go to the ER, but I did follow up with my surgeon on Wednesday. He looked at my incisions again, and I told him about the pain wrapping around from the front to the left back, I told him how I cannot sleep in my bed now, I cannot walk on my treadmill, I cannot sit at the table for more than 2 minutes; all things I could do right after surgery. I also told him that my belly is bloated, and my stools are watery. He tried to assure me I was fine, I was just healing. I insisted that he at least check my blood levels, amylase specifically to check on my pancreas. He finally gave me a script, ordered a CBC, Chemical profile and Amylase levels STAT. I had them done there at the hospital and waited for the results, Well, my Amylase level IS ELEVATED. He had me go on clear liquids effective immediately and call him on Friday morning and if the pain is not resolved he will order at CT Scan.

I feel somewhat vindicated, but if he really thought my pancreas was compromised he would have admitted me to the hospital and made me NPO (nothing by mouth) and started IVF's and antibiotics. But as I have no fever, and no active vomiting he is taking a more conservative route. He did make a comment in the office that pancreatitis only happens if alcohol is involved. I assured him the last alcohol I had was last New Year's Eve!

Today I was on clears alll day, and I tried walking and decreased the Tylenol, the pain feels the same, not worse, not better. Will call tomorrow and request the CT Scan.


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