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First 2 Weeks Post Op - Nothing Like I Expected



Let me start with this; no matter how much knowledge you accumulate before this surgery, you can’t be fully prepared as to what will happen after surgery. I went through and read so many posting of people struggling with food, cheating, wondering why they hadn’t lost weight. I couldn't understand how someone could go through this surgery and do that to themselves. I knew I would NEVER jeopardize my health or my new little sleeve after surgery by cheating or going off the Dr.’s plan...


Surgery went great, I lived through it and recovered quickly with the most pain being the first few hours after getting out. Within days I was able to take normal drinks of liquids and stayed on a liquid diet with no hunger until Monday morning (4 days out).


Tuesday I ended up eating five saltines and boy did I beat myself up for it. I called my Dr. and begged for them to change my one week appointment to Wednesday instead of Friday because I physically felt like I could NOT wait all week to start full fluids and protein shakes. Appointment got changed. Wednesday morning I went and saw the PA and she said I was OK-ed for full liquids and soft foods. I was 16.8 lbs down at the first week visit. So that day I had two eggs and several bites of my husband’s country fried steak for breakfast. Two hours later I felt famished and had some more of his country fried steak. I continued eating eggs with cheese, slivers of crockpot roast, pan fried chicken w skin, lunch meat, cheese, turkey jerky bites, salami w cream cheese rolled with a pepperchini topped with green olives ( I ate around 25 of these over a five hour period, felt like I couldn’t stop eating them). My sleeve tolerated it with no problems. I realized the insane cravings for copious amounts of food came from me being on my period. Btw, weighed Monday morning and I GAINED 5lbs, not surprised in the least.


Sunday Day 10 comes and it was a HUGE turning point. Went to my Grandpa's to celebrate a family birthday and He made tri tip, a whole ham, all the sides. So I put a slice of ham and tri tip w green beans on my plate. I start with the ham and green beans, I get an ounce of ham down and get a terrible fullness and gas in my stomach. Strange, I never had that before. I literally could not eat anymore and I felt sick. So I go home and my husband’s friends are over and they make chicken and mushrooms for a late dinner. I eat a small piece of slightly greasy chicken and 10 mins after I am in the bathroom puking.


FINALLY!!!! I feel like my sleeve is working. I get totally full off 1-2oz instead of the 4-6oz I was consuming. I am shocked. The hunger is minimal and comes up around the 3 to 4 hrs after last meal. Insane! The last few days it’s been hard to get to 400 calories, are you kidding me?? I didn’t think it was possible judging from the four day binge I went on. I also switched back to softer food. I know I was justifying food as soft that was not in the soft category. Now I'm eating tuna salmon, baby shrimp and eggs. I lost 2 1/2 of the lbs I gained.


I honestly do not know why there was such a delay in me feeling the effects of the sleeve. It took a long time for me to be able to pass gas, almost 6 days because my bowls were having problems "waking up" after surgery. Maybe my stomach did too? This is my husband's theory and it is the only one that makes sense as to how I was fitting so much food in and never feeling satisfied until Day 10.


I did NOT plan on sharing this with anyone. It is embarrassing and shameful. I jeopardized my health because I didn’t get control over my hunger. But I decided to share because maybe someone else out there is new out of surgery with a ravenous appetite and might possibly be able to relate or learn from my mistakes. More importantly I would hate for anyone to feel as hopeless as I did, thinking that this surgery was a total mistake. During those few days I would not have trusted anyone had they told me things would get better and eventually my hunger would subside -- but it DID! Every person's body is so unique and will be different through this process. For some of us it takes longer to reap the benefits of this surgery. And trying to distinguish between real hunger and head hunger is no joke, I think this will take years for me to deal with. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. So keep jugging along...

I think can! I think I can!


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I was sleeved back in June of this year and I'm surprised now regarding how hungry I can feel and how much of some things I can eat. I have discovered if I eat foods that are not processed (ham, greens) I get full quick!........but girl, I can eat me some Cheeze ITs........those things just go right in and right down sooooo easy.

I don't know how much weight I've lost - somewhere around 35-40 pounds. I don't really care and I don't weigh often at all. I think it was all that obsessing that got me in this shape (round, rotund, obese) in the first place...........but I do know that I now wear a size 16 jean and I haven't done that in more than 15 years!

Hang in there........this sleeve thing is very interesting and seems to be unique to each individual.

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Thank you so much for your honesty! I haven't even called the doctor yet, too scared I will fail like I did with other plans. The head hunger you spoke of is what scares me. Example of my head hunger= my daughter rattled a bag of chips last night and it was like someone rung the dinner bell for me to grab something to eat. I am so ashamed. But saw that sometimes it's in my head. Calling the doc tommorow. but I would love to get a hold on this before surgery. Again Thank You

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I know exactly what you mean. My husband was behind me last week and I got this scent of vanilla and my mouth started watering instantly. I whipped around and inquired what the smell was and he laughed hystericly... He had a garbage bag in his hand, he accidently picked up vanilla scented bags! I was so embarressed :/ Lots of things trigger it but thankfully since the new stomach is SO small you can eat a little protein and the cravings go away lately. I really hope you do call the dr. I know about failure, I have dieted on and off for 20 years with no long term success. Everyone on this site has had the same problem in the past and its amazing how much people are losing! This surgery will help you learn new habits and would recommend it for anyone with a history of weight problems! Please keep me updated on your decisions. I really hope you get to a place where you feel this is a good option for you :)

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