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I have to get this off my chest because I just can't let it go.


I went to the mall today with a friend and our two girls. As we were walking along, I see this gal coming towards us. No big deal, we are in a public place! My daughter started to have a little meltdown, so I bent down to talk to her. As I was bent talking to her face to face (she's 2, so, you know, little...), I feel like someone is standing next to me and then I notice that someone is waving a post card for Advocare right in front of my face. WHILE I WAS BENT DOWN TALKING TO MY KID! She didn't say a word, just waved the stupid card in my face. She didn't give one to my friend and I didn't see her give one to anyone else. Just me. The fat lady.


So humiliating. I already know I'm fat. I live in this body every day. I am uncomfortable in this skin every day. I hate this body every day. At least before I could pretend that no one noticed me. But now, I know that they do. And that they 'think things' about me based on my appearance. Humiliating!


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I'm so sorry that happened to you. Some people can be so cruel. Just look at it that you are taking steps to change and that lady probably won't ever change her sad sorry self. From looking at your photo, you look like a beautiful lady..keep smiling and don't let that experience get you down.

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wow...you let her walk away....just kidding....I know exactly how you feel.......judged by the shell is a pretty demeaning thing.......I had a guy once stop his car in front of my house to watch me garden in my front lawn....he told his wife that he would not even go outside if he looked like me.....and why can't I just lose it.....it made him sick to see me....and yet he stopped his car to watch me.....2 years later he came to my house...he was just a shell of a man...he had gotten very sick and now wanted to ask me to forgive him....I explained to him that what he did would be with me the rest of my life and that he humiliated me.....I asked why he thought he had a right to do that.......he said he never forgot the look on my face when he did that.......he told me that no one understands his illness and it made him more understanding of others....I told him that is good for you..but the damage was done...and that he was in danger of passing on his prejudice to his kids........I am sorry I did not let him off the hook............what these people do is disgusting behavior for human beings.........

Being heavy is not for the faint of heart.................all of us have stories that tear at our hearts....I am just so sorry that you didn't punch her in the face........

People in here know that your a human being and a lovely one at that......don't let them bring you to the point where you don't move forward with your life.........you deserve to be you no matter what others say......feed on what she did in a positive way and move on.....your among friends here... :)

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I'm never quite as surprised as I should be regarding the ignorance of some people. Peacequeen is right, some things about people will never change. No one should be made to feel badly at the hands of another. You are in the right place to get this off your chest. Nothing like a few thousand people knowing exactly how you feel to maybe make it a little better.

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Hi Everyone:

I agree, we all have our embarrassing, sorrow, depressing moments that we tend to hold on to. Atleast you are doing something about it. I once had a neighbor call me out to fight her by saying "Come over here you fat b*tch!" I responded "Honey I can fix fat, you can't fix ugly!" She had a fit and wanted to jump off her porch but her friends didn't let her but at the same time they were laughing. I later found out she was really ill in the hospital and nearly passed away. I wasn't happy about that but Karma is a byatch. The crazy part is that she was heavier than me. People see what they want to see. You are beautiful. Your child loves you, I'm sure you have people supporting you, if not we all are. Keep your chin up Lady. God created you and He loves you just the way you are, you are special in this world to more people than you think ;o)

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I've PCOS, and the illness has left me powerless over my weight. Even as a light weight with a low BMI I was a surgical candidate because my body has so many insulin/fat issues. I've had so many people say just eat healthier, work out harder, etc. Even after I explain that I have an illness, they just say it is a "crutch". I quietly got VSG and now the weight is slowly coming off. Weight is not something we want. We don't ask for it, and it haunts us everyday. I'm so sorry this happened to you, and all I can say is GOOD FOR YOU for chosing the VSG journey. We all have our breaking points, this sounds like it was very traumatizing for you... I'm so sorry, and I hope this makes you stronger and know that you will never be judged here and we 100% support you!

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....I am just so sorry that you didn't punch her in the face........

Haha...me too. It happened so fast, it took me a second to realize what happened.

I could quote all of you! You're all just so understanding and kind. Thank you so much for being so nice to me. I know you all 'get it'! What a wonderful group to be a part of!

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I've had so many people say just eat healthier, work out harder, etc.

I hate that! Its so ridiculous! If losing weight were really THAT easy, everyone would be thin. Or 'healthy' or....whatever! Even my husband is all...'just track your food'. Awesome...problem solved, I'm skinny! LOL! Ugh. Well, I really shouldn't throw my husband under the bus like that. He's said that in the past, but now he understands there is something else going on with my body.

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You're beautiful and you're not alone. I had surgery 10 wks ago and I'm only down 30 lbs. My surgeon makes me feel like a total failure, but I tried to explain that though I am overweight, I am not a heavy eater. Now that I take in about 800lbs a day, I am still losing at a turtle's pace. One thing I know for sure, we won't get there feeling sorry for ourselves. I know you'll do just fine and you will reach our goals.

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