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Eyes Opening

Ok, chances are I'm overreacting, and if so...ok.


It's Monday, I'm in the office, and no fewer than 6 people since 8:00 a.m. (it's 12:30 now) have walked down the hall and each one has made a point to either say "hi" or stop and talk to the girl across the hall. Now, mind you, I'm not a wall flower....I'd say I'm pretty outgoing in this office, and I have worked here 13 years. I'm the "go to" when people need things. She's quiet, reserved and an engineer who isn't all that outgoing. The other difference between us is I've been overweight my entire life, so those who have worked with me have only known me as overweight (and in my opinion have a bias against that and feel uncomfortable.....so sorry), I'm 5'7, red hair, fair complexion and 254 lbs. She is 5'6, blonde hair, fair complexion and probably 130.


So the question is, why do they make the effort to say hi to her, and can't be bothered to turn and say hi to me as well? Why is it I only exist and am noticable when it comes to what they need and when they need it?


Well.....times, they are a changin.....and there's a reconin' coming! After I'm sleeved, and the weight starts falling off.....you can BET I won't be interested in their attention. I've known all my life who my "real" friends are and who those are that are only there for the fair weather. I won't suffer fake people. Not worthy of my time or trouble.


It's amazing to me how easily it is for others to be so rude and judgmental against those overweight. I've even noticed that it's actually socially acceptable for talking heads and comedians to poke fun at overweight politicians! How DARE they? Isn't it said that you can't judge a man (or woman) until you've walked a mile in their shoes? Sometimes, I just wish the world would grow up and try to consider those around them and pre-think they're actions.


:rolleyes: Kicking the soapbox back into the corner.


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I totally feel you. I have been over weight all my life and I constantly encounter these situations. Its hurtful to me but it is so natural for people to behave this way. It sure takes a toll on the self esteem though...

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I hear ya on the self esteem part. Funny thing is....those I grew up with (since we were about 2) have NEVER treated me like I was overweight. Only those I've met since Jr. High have treated me in that way. And that's where the self esteem really started to take a downturn. Thus I learned at a young age, just who my "true" friends are. I will make a conscious effort every day after I'm sleeved and I reach my goal weight to NEVER be that person who is so cruel and rude.

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There have been times in my life that me being the fat girl helped other people have great self esteem....from family to friends, Doctors and other people in authority.........I have only shared this dicision with a very few well chosen people and have told them that if any thing negative comes out of their mouth...that I will not give them a second chance.....my days of being laughed at, stared at, joked about and people making rude comments are numbered.......I will not be stopped this time by those who think they are trying to help me in some absurd way........I am angry with how society views people with weight related issues.....it is excepted and tolerated as normal.....well it is a horrible injustice that has been left unchecked as far as I am concerned.......What we have lived through has not been for the weak that is for sure.....and what I am about to do is for me and no one else...........a small part of me wants to go see those who stopped their car at my driveway to watch me garden.....the Doctor who did not want to treat me because he felt I did not care about myself or my sister who is comfortable because well at least she is not as big as me............I have low self esteem..but I have the power to make a difference for me...and I am..look out world... here comes a new me...a new attitude and I will always be a defender of anyone who struggles with any issue in their lives......

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Obesity is the last of the 'politically correct' prejudices. It's so true. The sad thing about having a food problem is that everyone can see your problem. Almost all other human 'problems' can be hidden from the general population, drug abuse, sex addicts, alcoholics, racists whatever...but obesity is obvious to others what your problem is and so everyone feels it is ok to comment on it or feel superior to those who struggle.

Here's what I never understood...why are you superior if you are an alcoholic or a smoker or a drug abuser? No one ever has to smoke, drink alcohol or do drugs but we all HAVE to eat. Its easier to give up something completely than to 'limit' it.

I have been obese all my adult life. It has held me back in soooo many ways. I hope losing this excess weight will help me to 'dare' to do some of those things I should have done a long time ago.

Here's to new horizons!

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I think we all have encountered the "user friendly" people out there. I have let go of the people in my life that I felt fell into this category as I knew they werre not there for me. I can't stand people that use me as a door mat or only call when they "need" something. Sorry, not that gal anymore, even before I have my surgery. At work, I just say , oh, I'm not sure better check with"..." LOL!! User Friendly- no more !!

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