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ok so I have hit the mother of all stalls.And all the doubt and all the anxiety has returned.


Am I eating to much?Am I eating to little?What should I eat?What am I doing wrong.I must be doing something wrong.


I know,with the rational part of my brain,that I have TOM and the 2 pounds that I am up is normal for this time of the month.My housekeeper reminds me every morning when I storm down the stairs in a bad fat mood that this is the way its been since surgery and that I look thinner to her.She is so sweet.And such a LIAR..lol!


It has been quite a while since the scale has moved and I dont know how to survive these stalls.My mood still depends way to much on the number on the ruddy scale.I must say I dont weigh near as much as before just because I just dont have any expectations anymore,which is not a good thing!


I am just so scared every time I hit a stall that it will nwvwr end and this is as good as its going to get for me.


But nothing I do changes this so I guess I will just have to sit it out.(this is punishment for always thinking that peolple who said they stalled were cheating with their food..lol)

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Just now had a look at my blog entries and I seem like a lucatic with the ups and downs...happy,sad,happy,sad!I wish I could just stay away from the scale...it is just not my friend (and the mirror,and the fridge..hehehe)

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Hey desertmom,

We all stall from time to time. Some months have more stalls than others. It's just the body putting itself in starvation mode. This is normal for anyone who has lost weight rapidly. If you're worried about it, try to up your workout. Change something... increase intensity or length of workout. And by all means, try not to daily the scale. decrease your weigh-in to nothing more than once a week. Once bi-weekly is even better. Put the scale up somewhere until it's time to weigh yourself. If you leave it in an easy access area, you'll step on it every chance you get.

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Hi t_rob I know right?These are all things that my "sane brain" knows.But there is this 33 year long "diet failure" in me that accuses me all the time when the scale doesnt move!I really try to not weigh as much anymore but am deathly afraid that I will get on that scale after a week and be up 5 pounds.Crazy right?

I was an always on diet or binging person all of my adult life.Getting use to the new normal is quite hard for me.

But I will try to step up the exercise.And add some fibre to my diet.and not weigh every day,just for this week to see what happens.

Have a great weekend!

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