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One Step Closer....

Well, yesterday was interesting to say the least. I'm very lucky with the job I have to be able to work from home when situations require (which is handy since I live an hour from the office).


After being delayed from last week for my upper endoscopy, yesterday was the day. My hubby drove me to the hospital where I checked in and they took me back to talk with the nurse and go over all the medical details, repeat for the upteenth time what meds I'm taking and answer all the personal questions we've all answered God knows how many times. One would think when your primary is associated with the same hospital you're having the procedure at, they would already have all that information in yoru electronic file that they all have access through the laptops they carry around. It's the same system!


Ok, moving on... (sorry, time to leave for work) To Be Continued. :)


Ok, I'm back...whew! What a day.


So I arrived at the check in counter, and the check in tech was very nice and had a great since of humor. She put a wristband on my arm, we waited for my hubby to park the car and come in, and we went toward back to my bed. We met the charge nurse on the way and she walked with us to the waiting room where we sat and went over everything. We then went back to my bed, where I was asked to change into a gown. Once comfortable in bed, they brought a blanket and started looking for a vein for my IV. After 4 tries (2 in the back of my right hand, and once on the inside of my forearm) they finally gave up and brought in a more practiced nurse, who plunged right into a vein just outside my elbow (where I sometimes donate platelets from....which I told them about several times but they didn't want to sue). Anyway.....we got the IV started. (this took about 20 min) I was then wheeled into the procedure room where I had 2 nurses who joked with me the entire way, and as they were setting me up for the procedure. One placed the monitor patches on me as the other double checked my details (name, birthday, etc.)


Once that was done, one walked around the bed and had me open my mouth and said she was going to spray a medicine that will numb my throat (spray, swallow, spray, swallow, spray, swallow....and it did NOT taste good!). The other asked and helped me turn onto my left side. After I told them I could barely tell I was swallowing my mouth and throat were so numb, they said that was the idea. The medicine they had put into my IV had relaxed me to the point where I knew what was going on, but I wasn't really thinking about it. They put a mouth guard in my mouth to help me hold it open while they performed the procedure. I couldn't even tell when they inserted the tube! I never felt it go down my throat, I never felt it in my stomach, and it wasn't but 5 or 10 min, and we were done!


The wheeled me back into my space, let me lay there for a bit. Went and got my hubby, who had enough time to go and get something to eat, and after about 15 min I could get up and change back into my clothes (after they removed all the monitor patches, IV, cords, etc.). They they brought a wheel chair, explained that I was to go home and find a comfortable place to sit, and not even do housework for the next 12 to 24 hours (which is how long they said it would take for the meds to wear off). They told me when I go to get up, I'm to slide to the edge of the chair and wait until my head gets settled before standing up. Once I was dressed and ready to go, I just got up off the bed, and walked over to the wheel chair (with no problems!). The nurse about crapped and told me to slow down! That I was under the influence even if I didn't feel like I was. (Well, I don't think I was.) My hubby went to get the car, picked me up from in front of the hospital, and we stopped and got dinner on the way home.


The only issue I had, was after my hubby left about 6:15 last night to go get my mother in law and go to a church meeting (which this procedure got me out of....thank you LORD), I got up to get something to drink and started getting cold sweats and a bit nauscious. I didn't throw up, I managed to sit down for a bit....and after awhile, I got up and got my pillow from my bed, cuddled up under an afaghan on my couch, reclined back, and fell asleep until he got home. Boy....that did the trick!


I went to bed at the same time I do every night, got up with the alarm this morning and headed off on my hour commute and had no trouble today. I remember everything that happened, and don't remember any trouble, but the IV prep. :)


Next step is to call the office tomorrow to find out the results. Then I wait until 9/24 to have my chest x-ray, EKG and blood drawn for testing. Then 9/26, I go meet with the nurse to go over the test results, the 2 week liquid diet required priot to surgery, and then set the surgery date! Hoping it can be as early in October as possible so by Thanksgiving, I can participate without making too many people uncomfortable.


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