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This Is Really Going To Happen...



I began this journey 3 years ago and walked away because I wasn't ready. I wanted to try one more time to lose this weight without surgery. I lost 50lbs and as soon as stress returned to my life, I gained it all back plus 10lbs. It was then that I knew surgery was necessary, not because I couldn't lose weight, but because I couldn't lose it and keep it off long term. I am 30 years old, 5'2 and weigh 238lbs which is 10lbs over my highest weight ever. I grew up thin and was thin for half of my twenties and then I hit a road bump in my life that caused some depression and my weight went from a comfortable 110lbs up to 200 over the next year. After that I gained 3-5 lbs here and there until I reached 228. That is where I stayed for the last 4 years until I lost the 50 at the end of the last year and then gained back 60...thus here we are now. I miss my old body (which I feel is permanently ruined due to the loose skin I'm sure to face) and I miss the old me in general. My outgoing personality seemed to die little by little as my weight increased. I no longer felt charismatic and beautiful...I just felt like I was trapped in someone else's body, which is not a fun thing to endure as I'm sure many of you know.


All that said, I went back to the surgeon in June and I diligently completed all of the requirements necessary to gain medical approval. Fortunately for me, we have changed insurance and my new insurance does not require a waiting period. As of today, I have been approved for surgery. An array of emotions came over me as I realized this is really going to happen.

  • I have never had any type of surgery, EVER. So, there is certainly some fear involved there as I have no idea what to expect pain wise. The only idea I have about surgery is a recent dream I had where I had been through surgery and woke up feeling so much pain in my abdomen that I couldn't breathe (I woke up physically feeling this which tells me how amazing the mind/body is as a combination)...I am desperately hoping this was just that, a dream, because it was awful.
  • I also worry that I won't be able to lose all of my weight. Even knowing mysef and knowing that I will follow the rules and exercise, I have concerns that it will somehow fail which will in turn make my decision a failure.
  • And, lastly, I worry that something will go wrong and my family will be left without me because I couldn't settle for my current quality of life.
  • Oh, and HAIR LOSS. This terrifies me. I have long pretty hair, although it is very fine) and I can't fathom having to cut it or lose it to the point that it is not pretty anymore. This really bums me out.

My plan is to have the surgery next week sometime. I am excited and scared, but ready to get this show on the road. I'd love to hear some positive stories or words of encouragement as I gear up for this day. I have made the choice to only share this decision with my husband and mother as I have heard some of the horror stories from other people regarding reactions, etc. The reality is that this is something I am doing for my physical and mental health and having negativity attached to that in any way by people in my life would grossly take away from my experience and I have decided it is not worth it at this time. Perhaps I'll change my mind later on, but I seriously doubt it.


Thanks for stopping by. I hope to post more in the future.


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You will do just fine. It sounds like you are ready. You will be in my prayers. No need to ever tell anyone if you don't want too. It can be a family secret. Nothing says you have to broadcast it to the world. I am pre=op and a lot older than you and let me tell you we all have all the fears you are having but if you read enough posts here you should see all the people that have so bettered their lives with this surgery.

We all have to take it one step at a time. Need to try our very best and use this site as our place to tell our fears, problems, accomplishments to share, and any thing else that comes to mind. Best of luck on your journey.

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Good morning and I can sooo relate to your story... Wow it was so quick for you to get approval... YEAH. Remember the power of our thoughts.... thoughts are more powerful than we realize sometimes... I have learned that so going forward just know that you are going to be fine. Just know that you are going to be successful losing the weight and Just know that you are going to be around along time with your family!~

Keep us posted and I am sending positive thoughts and energy your way!~ You are going to do an awesome job and update us once you have recovered some...


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Congrats on the quick approval!! I'm doing my requirements now, hoping to get submitted to my insurance for approval asap!

I can't relate to "missing the old me" part, because unfortunately, I've always been heavy. But I can definitely relate to worrying about failure and worrying about loose skin... I don't want to tell a lot of people about the surgery either, because I feel like it's no one's business but mine.

One word of advice though - if you work outside of the home, it might be a good idea to tell one trusted coworker about the surgery, that way if you have some sort of medical emergency, they can advise a paramedic. I work with my best friend, so this isn't difficult for me to do since she already knows. It might be hard to figure out who to trust that won't spread your business...

I think as time goes by, and our fears subside and we see the success and feel better about ourselves, we might be more apt to tell SOME people about our journey. But maybe not... I can't decide on that issue!!

Good luck with surgery and WELCOME to the board!

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Thank you all for your comments! I just got my surgery date of Sept 4th which I'll most likey blog about before I go in. I am only working part time so fortunately I won't have to worry about that for a little while. I will most likely go back to work full time in November once I get over some hurdles.

I was skeptical about joining a board, but I have to say that reading your comments gave me some peace so I'm glad I did. I wish you all the best as well. It is very exciting to take control back!

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