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Old Bad Habits Creeping In

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Howdy Sleevers,


It has been a while since my last post so I thought I'd chime in and give you an update.


So far I am a little over 5 weeks post op and doing pretty well all things considered. Physically I am feeling better and better each day and am enjoying soft solids like fish, cheese, ground meat, crackers, pretzels, etc. I have tolerated everything pretty well, with the exception of some warm quinoa salad I had Wednesday which almost made me yack.


Emotionally I think I am doing better as well. I am getting more focused at work and not feeling so tired in the mornings. I am back down to only needing 1 Xanax a day. Today I have not even needed to take one in spite of a very stressful situation happening at work this morning. Yeah me! I feel as though I am coming to terms with my new body and new life and I am for the first time really looking forward to what the future holds for me.


I have been keenly aware of my own mortality of late. I don't know if it is because I have a renewed outlook on life or that I know now that my weight is coming off that I have a much better chance of living a full, long, and happy life, but it has been on my mind. Not in a negative way, but I have this desire to make the most of every day.


But I digress...the reason for my entry today is to talk about some bad habits that I have noticed are trying to sneak in now that I am eating more regular foods.


First and foremost, let me tell you that I have yet to experience true hunger. All the hunger and cravings I am about to talk about have nothing to do with being physically hungry.


I have been craving junk food like chips and crackers. I really want some salty goodness, which is odd, because I never used to be all that interested in salty junk food. I was more of a sweets girl. That being said, all I can think about is having Doritos, french fries, Cheetos, and other stuff like that. I know it is all in my head, but the cravings are pretty powerful!! I picked up some pretzel thins which are crunchy and salty and give me a little bit of protein too, but having them on hand has led me to another bad habit that is trying to worm its way back into my routine.


SNACKING!!!!!! This is the most dangerous thing a person can do which will sabotage their weight loss and in the last three days I have snacked. Some pretzel chips before dinner or a bit of sliced ham in the evening. This is most often happening when I am bored, watching TV, or surfing the net. I DO NOT want this habit coming back after being good for so long. I want to make the most out of this drastic change I have put myself through and to start snacking feels like I am letting myself down. I believe the snacking is a result of the cravings I mentioned earlier because I am snacking on all the salty stuff. I wonder if part of it is because it feels ssssssssssoooooooooo good to be eating more normal foods again and I want more than the three meals a day. Whatever the reason behind my snacking I know that it must stop!!


Since I know that I am not physically hungry I am going to employ a new tactic. Whenever I want to snack, I am going to try a change of location and activity. Maybe I will go for a walk or do some chores or do something creative that keeps my mind off the snacking.


Have any of you experienced this? Do you have any suggestions?



Ciao 4 Now!

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I am right there with you. I have not been hungry yet. I just want junk food. And I do a really bad thing. I watch the food channel all the time :| Why do I do this to myself? I am absolutely 100% committed to losing weight and getting healthy. However, I am a food addict and I am nervous my old habits will creep up, maybe not in 6 months or a year but maybe 2 years from now or 5 years from now. It is scary, and in order to combat this, I think we need to really work on why we crave food and what the draw is.

In my classes I was required to take to get the surgery, they often said we will be getting bariatric surgery, not brain surgery and we need to be able to change the old us and our old way of life to be successful in the long run.

I think what you suggested is really smart. Just finding something else to do or going out to exercise. Do you have any sleeve or WLS support groups around you? Sometimes just being around people with the same struggles, keeps you in check. Someone once suggested keeping a thoughts journal, and entering in why you are hungry, what you want to eat, what was the trigger and things like that so you can in the future stay away from the triggers and understand why you crave.

I know we can triumph! Good luck =)

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So interesting! I love salty things, but my real weakness has always been sweets! So recently I read that if you have a craving for sweets, you should eat a pickle! Perhaps you need to do the opposite....if you have a craving for something salty, you should have something sweet (just a bite, probably with artificial sweetener, or a natural sugar substitute such as stevia). It will probably change your whole "track" for that particular craving and "reset" you!

As well, there is a good chance that you are craving the salty items because your new healthy eating habits have dramatically reduced the amount of sodium intake from your pre-op norm. I know that I was eating WELL in excess of the daily recommended max. of 2500 mg of sodium pre-op. Now I use MyFitnessPal to track ALL of my food intake and I see that I generally am about 1200 mg per day of sodium. And that's without really paying alot of attention to sodium in my foods! I focus on protein, carbs and fat...and finally calories.

So perhaps your body is still working on "resetting" it's balance point for sodium levels in your body and is feeling a "gap" compared to what you had pre-surgery! Also, if you're exercising (that includes walking, btw!), you're muscles are using electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium and calcium), and perhaps you need a bit more of these to replenish what you're using up!

If you must increase your electrolytes though, it's really much wiser to do it by consuming items specifically targeted for that, such as Gatorade G2, etc.

These are just a few of my random thoughts..........take or leave as you please!

Good work on identifying possible sources of weakness and bad habits. Being self-aware is the most important step we can take to keep ourselves on track and successful. Both now, during our losing/repatterning phase, and for the long-term!

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So I have just eaten a few chips when I want them. I am still losing weight and when I think that in the past I would have eaten the better portion of a whole big bag.....so what! A few chips won't kill you and if you really think about it, that is all you need to stem the craving and you are still going to lose weight because of the lower caloric intake your sleeve will allow.

If you deprive yourself, I think it sets one up to sabotage their weight loss.

Maybe you need to eat more frequently than 3 meals a day?

I eat 4 and sometimes 5 times a day....to get my protein in and also have a few things that I want....like 4 potato chips or a spoonful of ice cream.

That is all I eat though....just a taste to take away the craving.

It works for me!

Life is too short.....enjoy a few things now and again and don't sweat it! Eat a couple of Doritos but just make sure you eat some protein with them and call it a day!

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A great recipe if you feel the urge for crunchy-salty is the cheese nip recipe that has its own thread in the recipe section here. I take one Kraft Sharp single - slice it into 16 little squares, place them on a piece of parchment paper and nuke them in the microwave for 50 seconds - they are little puffy, crunchy and yummy - and the carbs are low compared to a lot of snackish things.

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