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I Now Have To Get Serious About Surgery. What Was I Thinking?



so now is the real test. can i really stop drinking liquids before and after meals? will i be able to cut out my favorite carbs? can i do a liquid diet for two weeks at a time? i don't know! and now i get feedback from loved ones that say "dont do it!" "are you sure about this? you know how WE eat?" i've been known to be a 'quitter' in my own right. i am guilty of this from time to time. but i do understand the severity of what i am doing. i know the consequences of my actions from here on out.


i dont want to fail at this and somehow gain my weight back. i have not heard stories of that yet, is it because it's too new of a surgery? i know in my nutritional classes most of the people getting a lap band or sleeve were there for revisions of a surgery gone bad (not the surgery but ther person gained the weight back). i dont want that to happene to me. i'm scared of that!


this is all new for me, in my head i want a healthly lifestyle. i want to be healthy. i want to success with thsi surgery. i knwo it is only aa tool to use to help me, i cant expect to do nothing! i have to do the two things that i could never do on my own: EXERCISE AND EAT RIGHT!!


can i do this? YES I can. i believe in visualization. i see myself thin and happy and enjoying life as it should be. not to be confined by my body image and the restraints of being morbidly obese.


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You can do it. My brothers sound,like your family lol...

I failed at the lapband AND the lapband failed me..... It slipped. My sleeve surgery is aug 21st. And you know what I keep saying?

"you can do this..... No one can bring me down.....don't listen to what he says.... Don't eat what they eat.....I DON'T WANT TO DIE BEFORE MY 40s!!!! "

I have an obese brother.....325lbs.... And all he tells me is that I can't do this.... People are afraid to try.....

You will be great.... As long as you follow the doctors instructions..... And in a few months if you have a bad day, just make the next one better......I always drink during eating.... But I know I can't anyone..... Go on YouTube and find videos of people who have had the sleeve....

Good luck with whatever decision you make.... I'm getting the sleeve because I need to loose weight and this tool will HELP us :)

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Wow, your thoughts & concerns are EXACTLY the same ones I'm having! I'm pre-surgery, and trying to use visualizations and 'mantras' to keep me going in this process too. I guess what I really want to say is - Just know that you're not alone in these hopes and fears. And thank you for making ME feel that I'm not so alone either :)

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Same for me. Sugar is my down fall. I can't imagine not having it. So how will I ever do this? I have to get something straight real soon. The clock is ticking for me. I quit smoking after 35 years cold turkey (stayed quit for 12 years now), you would think I could give up my favorite foods. I really need everyone's help also.

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I had the exact same thoughts too. You can do it. It is hard in the beginning, but it becomes a lifestyle and you don't think twice about it. Just follow your doctors instructions and you will do fine. My doc said to me a few days after being sleeved "Everyday gets a little better" and he was right. I am revision from band to sleeve patient.

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You do not have to give up your favorite foods. You have to give up eating huge quantities of your favorite foods. THAT'S what this surgery does. I am 13 months out and I eat everything I like once in while, and in very small quantities. I LOVE eating a high protein, high nutrition diet, and feel like $10 million most of the time. I LOVE feeling like and actually going to work out hard five days a week. Besides, after living in this world among fat-phobic people, you should be pretty tough. Actually, you ARE tough, you just haven't tapped into that toughness yet. Relax a little, and be happy about your healthy future, where food will no longer be the center of your universe. It's might nice.

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Wow, thanks to everyone for reading my blog. i've never had a blog!! i couldn'd find how to keep entering on it, so i stopped. so here's the update.

Almost finished will all pre-op work. doing labs on thurday. sleeve date is OCT 9th! so excited. I didn;t think that i could do this liquid diet, but so far so good. i have cheated a tiny bit, and someone sscared me by saying that you absolutely cannot have anything besides the liquid diet! something about cleaning out the intestines, but isnt' that what the bowel cleanser is for? i cheated on the second day by eating a small dinner salad. then i cheated again by having restaurant soup, only the soup part, i didnt even eat the veggies, oh and i snuck in a cracker in the soup. i think i've done very good considering the kind of eater i used to be. I also learned that a family friend just got sleeved last week, i talked to her on Saturday and she is doing great. my mom is all for me doing this and helping me with moral support. in fact my two sisters are drinking the protien shakes in solidarity. I am so blessed to have a supportived family. it's hard believe me, i honestly did not think that i could get this far. and oh, the good news, my clothes is alread fitting loosely! i am very excited. i just wish my nutritionist would call me back and tell me that i can have a small salad or a vegatable soup here and there. i only have 5 more days until i start the clear liquid diet, that may be hard. but i can do this, i'm half way through the liquid diet.

thanks again for all the comments and support. i love this forum, it gives me a place to go when i dont want to be around people who are eating!

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