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I Cheated?



I may not be like others when it comes to this but there is a reason why and it was confirmed for me recently why I don't really talk about it much.


I was talking with a family member who knows that I had the VSG surgery last year and they have put on a few pounds recently (well over time). We were speaking of the US standard of BMI and I had stated that with all i've lost i'm still considered "overweight", and they said oh yeah well what do they say about my weight and I said well I don't really know your size but it you are 200 lbs or more and based on your height you are probably considered "obese". I even said a year ago I was considered "morbidly obese" according to the standards but i'm glad i'm not there anymore.


Well once I said that they stated well if it had not been for the surgery you would probably still be but you "CHEATED"!!


I was like cheated - really?? At that point I confirmed that no matter how many people say congratulations or i'm proud of you or you did it! In the back of some of their minds they feel "I Cheated"!  That's why I don't tell people I just say I had my gall badder removed (which is true) and I can no longer eat the way I use too and I exercise and eat right (which is all true).


I did not know there was a right or a wrong way; a honest way or a chearters way of losing weight?? Do you?! Just because I didn't join Weight Watchers again for the 4th time or try the lastest fad diet like most of my friends and drop some weight and then blow back up again shortly after does that make me a cheater?  It doesn't matter if I slaved away in a gym 5 days a week or that I still need to eat right and be mindful of what I eat they still see me as a cheater! I hate that stigma but, at the end of the day I made a decision that was best for me and my life, i'm not coping out to being a cheater - I still have to put in the work both physically and mentally despite what people may think about bariactric surgery and it's supposed "quick fix".


I've seen people gain it all back so I know that it is not a quick fix and you still have to work at it - it's a tool. Used wisely or unwisely you will it the fruits of it.


I just needed to vent I guess and it hurt me to hear that from a loved one but like I said that's why it has been a personal choice of mine not to be forth coming with this journey of mine because of that very comment. Hopefully one day I will feel open enough to let more people in on my journey but until then that's why I have my VST family where i'm not judged! :D


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They CHEATED YOU......out of all the hard work you put into this, the surgery, the one oz at a time ice , and all the measuring, the excecising, the. "remember a meal size should never be more then 2oz.. This tricking surgery is no easy way out, if it was easy I should be eating A Marie challendars turkey dinner.

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OK--so we are "cheaters" and we "take the easy way out." Fine with me. Why is that a bad thing? I have a hard time believing that ANYONE would opt for the "hard way out" when there is and "easy way out."

"Excuse me, ma'am....the building is on fire. You have 2 options. You can walk through this door here and go outside where it is safe or you can go up those 5 flights of stairs right there that are thick with smoke, climb on the rooftop, and jump to the next building." How many are going upstairs--Not me.

I firmly believe that most people will take and easier path if it is available to them. Many chose not to have weight loss surgery for a variety of reasons--mainly money, fear, or ignorance--or it may just not be right for them. However, If I invented a pill that you take one time and you will wake up the next morning at your ideal weight--with no health risks--and it was free..........do you know anyone that is morbidly obese that wouldn't take it?

I am OK with having taken the "easy way out" if that is how someone sees it..

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WHAT???? This pissed me off. This surgery was harder than anything I've ever done. There is no way it's cheating. I will say it took my husband about a week or two to finally see how much went into this surgery and how much I had to concentrate on and do. He randomly looked at me one day and said, "I don't know how you manage to do this everyday and the rest of your life. You are the strongest person I know and if anyone ever says you took the easy way out I will tell them to come and live with us for three days to see there is NOTHING easy about what you do."

With that being said, please know that many people don't know how to handle having someone loose that much weight. They feel the need to put you down to make themselves feel better. What I say is SCREW THEM!!!!!!! They can think whatever they want....you know the truth!!!!

Best of luck to you on you journey. Don't allow negative people to get to you and remember, this was not EASY or a CHEAT and as long as you are happy with who you are then who cares what anyone thinks about you weight loss.

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I agree with tmorgan - this is no easy way out. I struggle with it a lot - it's not easy hardly being able to eat anything. My husband also constantly asks me how I do it and how he could never do it. He tells me how strong I am and how proud he is of me. I too tried every diet in the book and it didn't work for me. This did. I have also had friends tell me that I'm being an a*****e telling people I had this surgery because I was able to afford to pay for it myself. How she thought I was bragging about it. Bragging about trying to get healthy? She, of course, doesn't have a weight problem.

fortunately my family is very supportive - and so are my coworkers.

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Let me interpretate that for ya~ You cheated really means.........

I hate you, for the fact that you took a stance on your life and made that change that I sooooo desperatly Need! However since i'm soooo Pridefilled I will not allow myself to ask for assistance instead I thrive off attempting to making others such as yourself feel horrible about the choices I wish I would make for myself!!!! I deep down would LOVE to be in your shoes and have the confidence you have but I don't!

That's what she REALLY means when she says that~


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oh my goodness! i'm so sorry!

and just in case you still need some back-up... YOU DID NOT CHEAT!!! you took your health and life into your own hands and took control... made a positive change and there was nothing easy about it!

i also get this response a lot! from my sisters & mom actually! even this morning my mom told me I finally looked like I had the baby! (the baby is actually 15 months but i never lost a pound until i started my pre-op diet...)

so you know what i have to say about these little smart a$$e$...


hate away... i tell them!

i'm just gonna keep going to the next bigger, better, brighter thing!

and i REFUSE to eat over it!

on those days, when folks are hatin' on me, i make sure to eat super clean and slow... give them something to really hate on me about! my new healthy self!

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Thank you ALL for your wonderful and supportive comments, I know what I did was far from cheating, this is a lifestyle change unlike any other and I decided to take this journey and it has been the most successful for me. I've met alot of encouraging folks along the way! And if I had it to do all over again I would still make the same choice hands down!!

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I catch it to from ppl.thy always say wen thy loose weight thy wil do it the rite..so wat their saying is I did it the wrong way and it always be overweight ppl who make silly comments and sum men r hatters too. I was surprised to c that like wen ppl say u don't need to loose no more..u just need to tone up..wat the hell that mean or een thy say u gud but only ur stomach is the problem now and thy be the fattest ones..ppl need yo stop hatein and learn to except change as thy c it.

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