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*deep Breath* (First Post)

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So, I'd say I'm PRE-pre-op. I'm terribly obese. I can't even tell you how obese because my doctor doesn't have a scale that goes that high. He hasn't had a scale that goes high enough... for a while. I'll be 32 in exactly 20 days and I've been fat my whole life. I've never been happy about that. I've never been proud of it. In fact, I've mostly tried to ignore it and hope everyone else does too. I've literally been the elephant in the room.


I considered surgery so many times in my life. But, I don't know, there was something nagging in the back of my mind saying that surgery was a bad idea. For whatever reason, I decided that I need to do something now. I've already "wasted" so much of my life being fat - because, sadly, I am a total hermit and don't go out, therefore have been single for WAY too long. I have zero confidence when it comes to men. Furthermore, I don't even like the idea of having someone touch me right now. I disgust myself. I know that might come off as totally self-loathing, but I really don't hate myself. I hate my situation. I want to change it. As someone who has tried to keep blinders on about it for years, I actually think it's the healthiest thing for me to look at myself through a strangers eyes. I'm no longer some chubby girl who's still kinda cute. I'm FAT. I don't want to be anymore!!


So, looking around at the various surgical options, I think I really want VSG. I talked to my PCP on a visit 2 weeks ago about surgery and he said we can get started so the insurance will approve it. He's referred people for it before, people with similar insurance as mine. At this last visit, I was also officially diagnosed with high blood pressure (160/90) and he put me on meds to bring it down. I go see him again Monday, and I have a whole bunch of questions written out for him. I've been seeing him for years and he respects me (I think) and he knows I have some medical knowledge (I'm a health insurance underwriter - YES, I'm probably that jerk you hate that declined you coverage) so I'm really hoping to get a better understanding of how the process works and what I can do to speed the process along. I got a referral to a Nutritionist from him on my last visit, I'm calling them tomorrow to schedule an appointment. (the referral came in the mail today - NO, I promise I haven't been procrastinating since 2 weeks ago!!)


I'M SO NERVOUS!!! I talked to my best friend about it last weekend and she wasn't as supportive as I thought she'd be. She's also overweight, but not nearly as much as I am. Despite the fact that we've shared with each other multiple times how unhappy we are with our weight, I really think she sees WLS negatively. She's the kind of friend who will support me anyway, but I just feel like deep down, she thinks I'm making a mistake - and that bums me out. Then again, I was one of those surgery nay-sayers 3 weeks ago, so I can also understand that A, the news was probably a shock and B. I could be projecting. She's got serious issues of her own to deal with, so maybe I'm putting too much value into the conversation!


I told my mom about it today. She was so happy for me! She's also overweight and said, "I've been wanting to do something like that too, but I'm too scared to take the plunge!! I'll let you go first - PAVE THE WAY!" :) I wish I had talked to my mom before I talked to my friend!!! (Isn't that how it always goes? lol) Anyway, Mom agreed to take good care of me post-op, so I got that part taken care of, albeit incredibly premature.


I realize I've barely dipped my toes in this whole process and I'm already so anxious to do this! I want my life to change. I want to go through what everyone describes here - the ups, the downs, the highs, the lows - I just want to turn my whole life around so I can go run down the street if I want to, or not have to worry about if there's a close parking spot or if that friend's house has a bunch of stairs.. OR ICE IN THE WINTER!! Ugh! I swear, FAT GIRL NITEMARE is falling on some ice and it's impossible to GET UP!! lol - gotta keep a sense of humor about these things, right?


Anyway, I really look forward to this journey. I hope I can stick to it, I hope I can get this done... wish me luck! Hope to find some cool people with a sense of humor to get through this process with on this site, and IRL.

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Okay so I definitely have the sense of humor part down!! lol I was like you and (excuse the pun) have weighed the pros and cons for years on having the surgery. While I pondered, I got increasingly bigger and in worse health. I am a severe asthmatic and it had gotten to the point that I couldn't walk across my small apt without gasping. Basically, my quality of life sucked. I also have a disabled son that needs his mom to be around awhile and 7 grandkids that I want to watch grow up. So at the tender age of 51, I had the surgery on July 17. I started at 340 and today, at my 2 week check up, I am down a whopping 32 lbs!!! I'm thrilled with that but what I'm the most excited about is I can BREATHE!! I have not felt this good in over two years and its only going to get better so please hang in there. And as a side note, I will say there are very well meaning people out there who will be naysayers but you have to decide this for you and not worry about what others say or think. You are the one who has to live in your body, not them. Alot of people are afraid of change and not willing to take a chance even if its to do something to improve their life. I know some people who are afraid I'm not going to want to be their friend and even my dear sweet wonderful husband has asked if I'm going to leave him when I get thin!! That would be a great big NO!!! He loves me like I am and I'm going to reward him with who I will be. Okay I will shut my trap now! lol Good luck to you hon and Hugs!!

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You are the one who has to live in your body, not them.

Thanks to all of you for the kind words and support - I'm so glad to have a board like this where I can say how I feel and not feel like a weirdo!!

Leslie, this is ringing SO TRUE with me right now. I think there are people, even other overweight people, who really don't understand the burden it is to carry this weight around. This is NOT the easy way out or a weak person's solution... if anything, I'm taking the HARD ROAD because I want to have this drastic surgery and there will be no going back when it's done! And you saying that after 32lbs you feel the difference just reinforces that - 30lbs can change your life!

Good luck to all of you in your progress. I look forward to hearing more from all of you! :)

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As the best friend of someone who had WLS let me say without judgement or negativity, your friend may be scared and jealous. She is overweight, too. She may feel like if your weight loss surgery is successful, she may lose you. I know I was and still am jealous of my best friend but that hasn't stopped me from being supportive and happy for her. I need to work on getting myself to where I need to be and realize that my hurt feelings are no ones fault but my own. I may be wrrong about your friend, but it's just another perspective.

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@jaded, I feel that may be the case. Between the 2 of us, she's the "skinny" fat girl. I'm pretty sure that my single girlfriends have never considered me as any competition. Not to make all my friends sound like jerks, because they aren't, but of course I'm the friend they can trust not to steal their man, because NO ONE is looking at me anyway! *sidenote; i can't feel flirty again. It's been so long!

She's also been trying to diet and exercise since I've known her and I'm always the one who doesn't make her feel guilty eating a whole pizza with. Once we can't EAT together all the time, what will we do? I think I'm going to start going to the gym with her. She's invited me before, but I've never stepped foot in a gym and I'm nervous. I know that I'll have to take the plunge soon enough!

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