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Pysch Evaluation...........................................

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Well, today was the day. I went to see the pysch, and....................................................HE CLEARED ME :P:D:lol::rolleyes::) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so quick. It took me longer to fill out all the paper work then it did to see him. He talked to me for about ten minutes then start printing out papers and was like ok here is your copy to keep for your files, and I will e-mail a copy to your surgeon. Then he was like good luck and have a great day. Talk about someone who walked out there with a chesire cat grin on their face.

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I'm new to this site and started my journey last month. I'm scheduled to see the pysch in September and hope my experience is the same. I'm excitied for you and hope to read more from you as we explore this journey together!

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Hey yall! I had my consult today and already have an anticipated surgery date. This seems so surreal. I have my consult w/the nutritionist on next week and need to schedule my psych consult, etc.... Im nervous but excited. Good be with you ladies and I cant wait to share this journey with you all...

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Yay! i'm glad to hear that your psych eval went well. Mine was a pain in the butt! She took days to clear me and then days to forward the paperwork.

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