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T Minus 3 Days - Nerves! (And Friendship Betrayal)



It's past midnight so I guess it's officially 3 days until my surgery. I have so many thoughts and feelings going through my head that it's kind of crazy.


I think I'll start with my immediate feeling, which is anger. This has very little to do with the actual surgery. I had asked a friend if he would stay with me the week post surgery because family will not be home and they really want me to have someone around most of the day to be sure I'm alright. He didn't have a job and I told him I'd pay for gas/a bit for babysitting me and we'd get to hang out. Fun times, right? Wrong. So he started getting flaky a couple of weeks ago. We talked about it and figured it out and he assured me he would be there to back me up. Thankfully, the pessimistic, cynical person that I am, I asked another friend if he could back me up and he was willing to. This was maybe about three weeks ago. The friend that has assured me he'd back me up and I kind of fell out of touch being busy with work and stuff, and I messaged him intermittently to see if he wanted to hang out, but he didn't really feel like it, but each time he would assure me yes he will be there post surgery to help me out. Lo and behold I message him tonight and ask if we are still on for it, and he says "If I'm off." And I'm like "Huh??? We have been planning on this for weeks!!" So his story comes out that yesterday he got a job and he might have to work. Which would totally be okay with me, except for the fact that he did not even bother to tell me! Three days from my surgery and he didn't even have the decency to let me know I should probably start looking for another person to help me out. When was he going to tell me? The day of surgery?


Anyway, so I'm steaming over that. I am so thankful I had already asked another friend and my aunt offered to come help out. But I decided that I didn't want to be friends with this individual anymore. We had been friends less than a year, so I suppose it's not a huge loss, and obviously he has no consideration, so I guess I'm better off. It still sucks, and it's an unfortunate note to be down a friend going into a major surgery, but I think it was the right choice. Deep breaths, I'm trying to let it gooooooo. No negative thoughts will be following this lady into surgery!


Onto the more relevant conversation...I'm NERVOUS. I'm still far more nervous for my PAT than I am for my surgery, which seems completely backwards. Alas, that's how it is for me. I'm hoping I get the all clear when I go in on Tuesday. I will keep you updated as the process continues.


As for this pre-surgical girl, it is time for bed!


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I have found that ya cant count on any one in ya life....even family....just got to take care of business yaself...lol...I have one of my kids coming to sign me out of the hospital as they wont let ya leave by ya self......then I am getting in the car and driving home....I rely on NO ONE EVER.......ya cant really blame them all...they just dont want to help you or anyone...I dont either....cheers...Nanci

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Actually, it seems that congratulations are in order. You asked a friend to help, he said 'Yes,' but his behaviour raised red flags so you asked someone else for what you needed. Great self-advocacy, actually. And putting it down to cynicism or pessimism actually dismisses the people skills you have developed. You rock.

It's not about only relying on yourself... that's not always healthy either. It's about recognizing the discrepancy between what someone says and their actions... you always go with the actions. Instead of guilting your (former?) friend into keeping his word (what fun that would have been!) or having a pity party and deciding you're going to "do it myself!" you reached out to someone else. I'm sorry your friend wasn't as reliable as you wish, but you solved the problem in advance. Ta da!

For the nerves, do a little strategic catastrophizing, and then contingency planning. Think about the absolute worst case outcome for the PAT, and then decide what you'll do about it if that outcome happens. Make real plans. "If the PAT finds that I'm not in my right mind and can't competently make this decision, what will I do?" Make a list. Then go on to the next worst case scenario. Do that until you've covered all the possibilities. Then put the list in a safe place and willfully, mindfully, refuse to think about outcomes. You've got it covered. And keep yourself busy. These will be the longest three days of your entire life if you're doing nothing.

Hang in there! You're almost there. :P


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One word, MEN! They were not wired to nurturers! Call on your Aunt since she volunteered. Will be a great opportunity to deepen your relationship! ;)

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Thanks guys, I am glad that I was not just overreacting. He kept acting like I was crazy and it was making me feel like I was going a little overboard.

I really appreciate the words of wisdom CdnExpat, I tried to do that today and it's helped a bit =)

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