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Feeling Overwhelmed

Just Keep Swimming


I wish to start off by saying I have nover blogged before so I have no idea if what I am saying is the right thing or if I am even close to what a blog is for. I figure this is my journey so it is all good.


So I am one week post-op and I have begun to question why I did this. I have no idea why this is coming up as I have worked so hard to get this done. I was denied by insurance 4 years ago because I had no co-morbid obesity issues other than my weight. I called my insurance company every 6 months while increasing my weight. Christmas this year, I was given the go-ahead to to go to Southwest Bariatric Surgeons in Austin. I went and all of a sudden here I am! Jumped through every insurance hoop thrown in my face. Went above and beyond losing the 30 lbs before surgery could be performed - dropped 60 (since Christmas) and did most of it after visiting with Jerry, the registered dietician at the surgeon's office - great guy by the way! So, here I am on a Sunday morning and pouring my thoughts out here for someone to read in the hopes I get an affirmation that it is OK to have these feelings - I laugh because there isn't anything I can do about it now! HAHA I am missing my satisfying drink of ice cold water. I have never have been a teetotaler - which to me indicates a tea drinker with the pinky extended and sipping politely - no offense intended. I am a grab the glass and drink kind of gal! Used to be anyways. All I want today is to drink ice water - have one statisfying drink and not have it hurt. Yes, drinking water hurts. Popsicles are going down great with no issues what so ever. But the water? The one thing I miss most, is not agreeing with my insides right now. I am angry at my stmach for not allowing me to have one drink. Other than that, it is all good. Need the good to be more that the otherside of the fence though. LOL The things i nver thought I would ever say...


Well, I hope everyone has a marvelous day. I will continue to seek out the positives to my new tummy in the hopes that it becomes automatic and everyday I awake with a newfound sense of self. Let's do this people!


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First of, your blog is your blog. It's a place to share what you're going through, your feelings, ect. There's no doing it wrong. Second, I 100% can relate to that. I LOVED drinking my water. I drank at least 6 bottles a day. I miss it a lot, but maybe its not the water that isn't agreeing with you maybe it's the amount you're consuming at one time? Like if you're drinking from a bottle/cup, you're probably taking too big of a swallow and that can cause the pain. Took me two days to figure that one out. lol

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First====I totally connect with how you're feeling. I'm 10 days post op and I have no dietiation to talk to. Just a handful of print out instructions. I went to Mexico and it was awesome. They were wonderful. Treated all of us like queens. No infections anywhere.

Now I'm home, water use to hurt a little. I'm positively mourning food. I am a grab the plate and inhale the food kind of gal. All I want is to sit down to a plate of chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and some vegs. Don't even care what. Not gonna happen, I don't want it to happen. I'm not hungry, I'm craving!!!!!!! How can the feelings be so strong?!

I think your feelings are normal. If your messed up----so am I.

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Nanfranette ~ glad to hear from you! I am missing my water satisfaction more than anything. Gave up my diet coke habit in February for Lent. Didn't trade it for another soda - gave up the carbonation all together. The plus side was my increase in water and oh how I miss to chug of it! I took a bigger sip this morning and it felt so good going down. The next was a bit too big but I learned. It's amazing how your body will letyou know what to do.

So we shall be messed up together then! LOL


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Have you ever heard of the expression..chew your water.....well it is real..it is taking the ice cold water that you drink and swishing it around in your mouth and moving your jaw up and down until the water mixes well with your saliva.......when it mixes it well your stomach can handle the water better.........it is easier for you to use this way then swallowing as soon as you put it in your mouth....I have just learned about this technique myself and hope that it will work for me too...I love water and gulp it down with total satisfaction.........I know I won't be able to do that after I am sleeved but knowing that I can still put it in my mouth and working it around my mouth might give me some satisfaction...here is to hoping.....:)

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I have not yet had the surgery but my dietician told me that i will have to sip and to try to get one of those bottles that only lets you get a little at a time. sipping water and eating slowly are going to be the hardest things for me but I guess in time it will become a new habit.

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