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6 Days Post Op

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Lisa Curry




I got my sleeve on Monday June 25 th at 12 noon. When I woke up from the anesthesia I had tremendous gas pains (which pain meds do NOT help! ) So I had my husband help me to my feet and walked. I walked that recovery room at least 30 times...and it helped !! My advice as soon as you open your eyes MOVE !! There was a guy who had gotten the surgery a couple of hours before me by the same surgeon and he refused to get up and walk. That man was in so much pain he was crying ! I told his girlfriend that I had the same surgery and I know its uncomfortable but he has to move and he won't be in as much pain. She finally convinced him to get up and just take a couple of steps and he was shocked how just the little bit of movement alleviated his pain.


The key to a painless recovery is to move !!


Anyway Tuesday morning I was still in the recovery room when then brought me down for my swallow test. It wasn't that bad. After all the horror stories I heard I was expecting it to be horrible but not so much :) Anyway I passed !! Thank God I was so happy because I was dying of thirst!! They brought me back to the recovery room where I patiently awaited my doctor to give me the all clear to have some water. That all clear came about an hour later. The nurse came to me with a medicine cup with 1 tsp of water in it. I was like really are you kidding me I'm dying over here. She said lets just try a lil bit. I took a small sip and within minutes I was sick to my stomach!! I dry gagged for about 5 minutes and was in so much pain! I thought my stomach burst-ed open. My blood pressure spiked to 190/130 my pulse was 120 I thought I was dying. It was the worst feeling of my life. They pushed some pain meds and got me to relax and finally my vitals came down and the pain subsided. When I awoke they told me to hold off until Wednesday before I try again and I was happy to oblige. Wednesday morning came too soon because I was so scared to drink anything. I was still in the recovery room due to the bad reaction I had to the water. My nurse came over with some unsweetened ice tea. She convinced me to take a sip and it wasn't too bad. I still felt extremely nauseated but no vomiting. So I felt like... Ok I'm healing. Finally Wednesday night I was moved to a regular room.


Once I was in a regular room the good pain meds stopped and it wasn't so bad...lol...Until I went into a coughing fit. I was in so much pain I asked the nurse for stronger pain meds and she said let me ask the Resident. The resident ( an a*****e) came over by this time I was in tears. He said I really don't want you dependent on the pain medicine. I thought I was going to rip his juggler out. I said are your kidding me!! What am I a junkie. I just had 80% of my stomach removed less that 48 hrs ago. I have been walking and doing great without the assistance of any pain medicine stronger than Tylenol. I am in serious pain right now and your doubting weather or not I really need it. Just give me the medicine or get my Doctor your boss on the phone now !! So he finally ordered it. When I saw my Doctor the next morning I told him and he was not a happy camper, because he knows that I am not a complainer and he apologized. Anyway after that fiasco I was still having difficulty tolerated liquids so I was kept until Friday morning when I was able to demonstrate that I can hold it down.


Friday I get home and my husband drops off my prescriptions (Nexium and Caltrate (?) liquid) and of course my insurance didn't cover the liquid so I had to get the pills and crush them. Ugh so disgusting!!


Now I am home and went from not being able to tolerate liquids well on Thursday to drinking my protein shake today Sunday. Granted it takes me an hour to drink it but I still get it down. I got on the scale today and am down 10 lbs from Monday !!!! I couldn't be happier. Now off to the boardwalk for a stroll with my kiddies :) Talk to you all soon.



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Thanks for your blog -

I am planning on walking as soon as I am able - and am terrified about the coughing!

I have a small cough still left over from pneumonia last month...

and I had a hysterectomy a few years ago, and I know the pain you feel for those little incisions.....

and I also remember getting up and walking soon - the first time is the hardest!!

Thanks again -

surgery in 25 hours!!!

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Anytime :) The best thing when I was coughing was to place a pillow on my belly and hold it firmly against it. It really helped. Another thing is that they won't give your anything to wet your lips with except for the glycerin sticks...So nasty...I suggest you go in the bathroom and take paper towel and wet it and bring back to your bed so you can wet your lips... And you can swish the water in your mouth and spit it out it really helps with the thirst!!..

Good Luck to both of you with your Surgery you guys will do great !!

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Hi i had mine one the 25th to I had to walk in to surgery room and lay down i was so scared but it went good. I started my monthly the day before I told them th ok with it i had a foley for one day.they gave me panities to where nice to me. I got to my room about 6 they had me up walking by 7 pm. I went home on wen. at 7pm im doing good.My birthday was yesterday on the 2 of july. i was depressed i couldn,t eat or have a mix drink.I was so hard for me that day and now i'm cooking ribs for my family and every thing that I cant eat what r you eating any how r your doing help me out ..

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