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5 More Days Until Surgery And I Suck !

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Lisa Curry


So I only have five more days until my surgery if you don't count today or the day of surgery :) Yesterday I did all my pre-op testing at the hospital Lutheran Medical Center. I am sad to say the I have succumb to the "Last Meal Syndrome" I have gained 10lbs since my last MD visit 7 weeks ago. So instead of losing weight like every normal person does I have gained. (Story of my life). What is wrong with me? Why do I have this self sabotage mentality? My pre-op diet isn't even bad. Its not a liquid diet, just low fat and I still couldn't stick to it faithfully. Ugh, so disgusted with myself. I am going to start my own liquid diet tomorrow hoping to drop at least 5 lbs before surgery.


Maybe instead of the Gastric Sleeve I should get a lobotomy because I think that may help more...lol...


Please keep me in your prayers. Pray that I can keep my damn mouth shut for the next 5 days oh and that I don't die on the table.

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You DO NOT SUCK! If dieting was easy, none of us would have to have this surgery in the first place! I know that whenever I even thought about going on a diet I ended up gaining weight because I ate more of the bad stuff, thinking I would be deprived. So do not beat yourself up...just plan to embrace your new life, free of hunger with the sleeve. This is a tool that will allow you to more easily make the right choices. This week of pre-op is time to get real though. You need to do your liquid diet faithfully without cheating. Find a protein shake you really love. If you are a chocolate drinker, my whole family likes chocolate flavored Nitro Peak that you can pick up at Vitamin World. For me, it helped to remind myself that this was just ONE WEEK and I was doing it for a healthy, safe surgery. You might experience some dizziness, headache and loss of energy for the first few days as you come off the carbs and sugar. Don't panic, just drink lots of water and stay the course. Once that stuff is out of your system, you will no longer crave it, which is such a blessing! That does not mean you will not want it though, so just keep reminding yourself about the reason you are doing this, to prepare for your surgery. YOU CAN DO IT! I will keep you in my prayers for great will power during the liquid phase and a safe, easy surgery and quick recovery!!

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LOL! This is funny because I was all ready to go with my pre op diet and thought "I'm gonna start early and get the ball rolling!" Mine is not the liquid preop either, simply low carb.. basically the Atkins but with more starting carbs daily. Could I stick with it?! NO!! 3 days in I was like, "What am I doing? I am about to have surgery so why am I starting this diet too soon?" soooo... yep, I cheated and went and ate some BBQ! Well, I got back up again the next day but ONLY because I knew I needed to be prepared for surgery so I've made a decision to do it right! I need to take care of myself, isn't that why we're doing the surgery?? It is hard though.. Monday I start the protein shakes with a small dinner and I HAVE to be good with that. I'm almost there though 9 more days!!! We can do this!!

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Eeeehhh, ya don't suck!! You'll be surprised how fast you get your act together once you have surgery. No choice in the matter then ;). You'll feel much better, because it's MUCH easier to control it with new sleevie!! (I also gained 10 pounds right after i made the appt, saying goodbye to all my faves. ) You'll do great!

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I agree, you do not suck!! You slipped and had 1 bad meal - you just have to hop back on the wagon or horse or whatever it is that kids these days hop on ( :) ), and set your mind to doing right until your surgery. It is not easy to kick the addition that food has over so many of us, you can do it!!

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