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Losing Hair

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Is anyone experiencing large amounts of hair loss. I had my surgery on 2/1 and for 4 months I was fine but now my hair is coming out in clumps. I was told this may happen but it wasn't too common with people who had the sleeve done. It is more common when the bypass is done. If anyone has the same problem what are they doing for it and will it grow back. Please help, I am freaking out.

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As I understand, it's a lack of the proper amount of protein intake... My doc told me he wants me to make sure I get in the amount of protein recommended, because he didn't want me to lose my hair. I hope this helps.. How much protein and what kind are you taking now?

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I was sleeved 2/06/12. My hair is falling out, too, but not in clumps. I have a very hard time getting in even 60 grams of protein. My scalp is very dry, too. I massaged Moroccon Oil in it tonight. I take Biotin and Fish Oil, along w my multi-vitamins.

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I've been losing hair slowly for five months....I also can't seem to get near the required 60-80 g. of protein a day. My question is, will I continue to lose hair until I DO get that much protein a day or will my body eventually adjust to my new diet. I'm 10 months post-op....and luckily no one else notices my hair loss yet...just me; but if this should continue....

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thanks everyone :)

New Orleans lady, I try to get in the required amount of protein which my doctor wants 75-80 per day. I start the day with a protein shake ( 30 grms of protein) then try to get in at least 20 grams at lunch and dinner. It is just difficult as to some days I can't.

jailyn, I asked my nutritionist about the protein and hair loss and she said it is common for it to start about 3-4 months post op but once our bodies adjust to the rapid weight loss it will grow back. Also she stressed to make sure we get in all our protein.

readyfora change, I am going to start the Biotin. My nutritionist suggested it also.

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