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Family S***s!

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Sorry, but I had to say it.


I just got back from spending the day at mom's house. was doing some laundry there (gotta love free laundry) and having a good time with her. Dad calls and asks to speak to me. I'd just put the last load in the dryer and was trying to fold my shirts. I took the phone and he proceeds to lay into me about how bad a decision i'm making and to not do this. i.e. he thinks its a bad idea and expects me to bow down and follow HIS decision. First he tells me that i've never really tried to "work the program" in my weight loss before. That I can't expect to lose weight if I don't work at it. When that didn't work he suggests that what i'm doing is like what my other sibling is doing (long story, don't ask). I blew up. it's nothing like each other. i'm doing this for my health! not because I just want to change my body. When that didn't work he says that what i'm doing is like if he wanted to quit smoking he'd have them take one of his lungs away. WTF? really? WOW! I was seeing red! and I went silent. he could tell I was upset and ended with "i just wanted to say my opinion." I got off the phone and cried. I can't take much more of this from my parents. One more time! One more time and they are out of my life! I don't care how freakin hurt my dad is by that, he'll be out! mom will come around, I know she will. But he wants a relationship with me he'll shut up and just deal with me doing this! He hasn't changed my mind as he'd hoped. if anything he's pushed me closer to it! now I have an "i'll show them" attitude. not sure if that's good or not, but there you have it.


On the way home I was so quiet, made my boyfriend nervous. we got about 3/4 of the way home and i blurted out what I'd been thinking. I've come a long way....and i mean a LONG way! (I've always had fights like this with my dad, we've always butted heads. and up until 3 years ago I let him control me in every way. my boyfriend knows this.) I told him that a year ago this would have made me go to the store and get a 12 pack of coke, a bag of chocolate chunk cookies, a big bag of tostito's scoops, a can of cheese sauce, the biggest meal at whatever fast food place, a huge glass of chocolate milk (for the cookies), and a pint of ice cream to inhale later. and I would have eaten the whole thing! today? i just talked myself out of my mood.




ttyl HUGS

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Take a deep breath, and realize that you are a grown woman and can make your own decisions. People who don't live in our shoes always think that we are taking the easy way out, but we aren't. WLS is alot of hard work. Please don't kick your parents out of your life, just tell them your mind is made up and you do not want to discuss this matter with them anymore. This is the beginning of the rest of your life, so be happy on this new journey. You have all of us up here for moral support. HUGS

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Parental stuff can suck. I think it's great that you're learning how his choice doesn't have to be your choice. I know how hard it is to do something that goes against what your parents want. This is all just a part of the process, a lot of this process sucks but in the end there's nothing better than getting stronger in who you are on the other side.

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i feel ur pain hun. my brother and sister both questioned why i was doing this. my father (on mother's day no less) tells me that i don't have the will power to do this. i just need to go back to watching what i eat. i did the medifast diet and almost 40 lbs but had my gall bladder out 15 months ago and gained it all back and plus (still on medifast). he told me that i'm not serious about losing the weight again. he "sees" what i eat and it's like i don;t care anymore. really, he sees me eat maybe ever couple of months for a holiday or we go up to philly for a hockey game. had a surgery a week and a half ago and my mother was the only one to come see me. went to the house for fathers day today and he didn't say one word to me about it. i know it was my decision and my decision only to make but would be nice to have my families support too.

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I'm so sorry that your family isn't supportive. This really is your decision and it's a good one - you are trying to get your life back!!! I don't know if you follow Dr. Oz, but he had a show that discussed weight loss surgery and totally supports people having this if they are more than 100 pounds over weight. He says that you would have surgery if you had cancer, right? Being morbidly obese is a disease just as much as cancer is, so the smart thing to do is to fix it!!!

I hope that your boyfriend is supportive because you will need that!! I wish you the best of luck!!

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Family can be that way sometimes. Bottom line is that you need to clear the negativity from you life. i had to let a family member know that my decision was final and that if they did not support it or have anything nice to say that our relationship would be over. that person accepted it and apologized after they saw that the surgery changed my life for the better. you are having this surgery to change YOUR life. Stay strong and stay positive.

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