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My First Self Photos Before And Alfter (Two Months)



It's been two months and four days since I had my WLS and I have to admit, I didn't know how much I had changed physically until today. Don't get me wrong, I knew my clothes were bigger or didn't fit at all. I knew I felt better in a bathing suit than I have in years but I am at that point, that I don't see any major changes. Now, my husband keeps telling me that I am one the "rare" people who have lost my weight evenly throughout my body. I guess he's right, becasue it wasn't until we look my two month photos that I saw a huge difference. Since surgery I have lost fifty five pounds. I have lost eighty five from my highest weight (which I do not have a photo of)




WARNING: These are not pin up photos. They show FAT....lots of it. They show folds and stretch marks and all the things as overweight people we have tried to hidden most of or lives. They show parts of my body that no one besides my husband has ever seen this big. This is very hard fro me to do, but I figured that people need to see that changes do happen after surgery even when we don't feel like they are happening. Also, I always promised to keep my posts honest and real and I figured this is the most honest and real I could be.


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Before Surgery First Month Second Month


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Before Surgery First Month Second Month


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Very amazing...you can see your shape returning to normal...I've lost pretty evenly all over too. I am losing now, but I don't feel like it...maybe it is in my feet. Some days I feel bigger than ever...but I am wearing some regular 18s today...all of my 18s are fitting, some are just a little snug...but I feel like I can probably wear 18s until I hit 200.

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Thank you...and congrats on being in a size 18. I have no idea what size I am due to all my paints have strings right now. LOL

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@4alongerlife I wish my back problems would go away...but I know they won't. Every doctor I've seen has said that I'm pretty much screwed when it comes to my back. The good thing is I have one last option and I am hoping it works....if not, then I will continue to do what I've don't for 18 years....grin and bare it. No need to let my pain control me. I take each day at a time and only do the things I know I can. :)

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