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Whirlwind Week...ugh!

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So the past 10 days have been quite crazy. My partner of 12 1/2 years dropped the bomb on me last Sunday that he is thinking of leaving. What?!!? Are you crazy? I'm just about to start my 3rd and final year of grad school, an internship on top of my full-time job, and I'm having surgery in 3 weeks. Coulld you pick a worse time? Needless to say, I was a bit of a wreck that day. Since then, we have done a lot of talking, and are going to try to work it out. That, however, is not the best news.


In the past, I have been very dependant on my relationships, including this one. The thought of being left alone was terrifying to me, and I would give anything to keep the relationship going. Last week, I felt a little desperation in the day, but then I started seriously thinking about what I would do. It's funny, I wasn't trying to let practicality override love, but, really, I had school and internship starting soon, and this surgery. I never once considered quitting school or canceling the surgery, which I would have done a few years ago. I quietly figured out how I would do on my own. I came to the conclusion that I would be ok. I'm so proud of that, and it has really made me realize that I will be ok with this surgery too. I have become a strong person who can take care of herself! What a good feeling. Now I just need to triumph over food and I will be unstoppable =)


P.S. Started my pre-surgery shake diet today. So hungry. I know it will get better. 13 days...



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Wow you do have a lot going on! You absolutely will be able to work things out for yourself! And this forum will give you so very much support. I don't know what I would have done at times without the wonderful people here. So lean on us whenever you need. My preop was very hard, but I made it; and you will too! Soon you will be on the loser's bench!!

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Your blog made me smile today. I'm inspired that someone who is so busy and has so much emotional dynamite to deal with handled life's crap in a thoughtful manner (completely unlike me!) and you are dealing with things from a position of strength. You are great!

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Becky! Wow...I'm very impressed that you figured out how to do it on your own if he should bail. That takes a strong person. Keep your eye on the prize! You're awesome!

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Thank you all so much, it means a lot to be getting support from people who are taking this journey too!

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