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First Night Home



Rough first night home. Diarrhea for two hours, nausea from pain meds, acid reflux if laying down. Migraine headache & abdominal pain. Couldn't keep liquid med down, finnaly crushed excedrin & sleep aid in pudding. Will sit up in chair for a while. Hope tomorrow is better!


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Repeat of symptoms above. Will call Dr tomorrow for a painpatch w nausea help. Keep telling myself it will be worth it!

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I came home last saturday after 3 days 2 nights in the hospital - really no complaints. Pain was managed, food was on track.

THEN went to my parents, things for the most part ok except my sleeping was thin a hour here an hour their.

On Tuesday I decided to head to my house. Getting really sick of the same foods, feeling nausea (still taking 2 nausea meds and the patch) nothing satifies me, my stomach is always growling. Not sure if thats just gas and it's just upset with the foods I give it - or I am just that hungary.

So last night I went to get a few groceries, picked up a few things that may not be 100% acceptable. But I can't sit here and cry for another week until I get to move to the next step.

Still only sleep for 2 hours at a time tonight. Have 1 pain med left - going to call doctors office in the am and try and figure out how to make me more comfortable. At my post op doc appt which was on Tuesday - they said everything looked normal and my attitude issues were to be expected.

Bottom line - yeah kinda cool I lost 17#'s but I suffered along the whole time - is it worth is? would I recommend it? - all YTD.

Thanks Amy

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please help, my daughter just had surgery monday, and has experienced all the same. she is sleeping and was crying couple days, but i believe that has passed. i just need help in trying to make sure she takes all her protein, but my question is, since this is the first week is she expected to get the 80 grams of protein in?

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I think try is a good word. Fluids most important with as much protein as possible. Even some is good at this point. Good luck

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buy a sippy bottle and sip all liquids from it. Frozen diet yogurts were very easy for my stomach to process and mashed potatoes and lentil soup all easy on stomach, or try baby foods

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