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Why Does My Body Hate Me?



I've always guessed that I have some food sensitivities - but, being the snack-fiend that I was, I largely ignored them and ate whatever the heck I wanted anyways. In the years before surgery, I struggled with frequent, painful edema in my hands and feet (sometimes to the point that I could barely open doorknobs, containers, etc), itchy skin after eating, weight gain, general fluid retention.... A couple of timeperiods, I became frustrated and cut out entire food groups in an attempt to find some relief: wheat, corn, dairy...these were popular.


I had really hoped that post-op, I wouldn't have to deal with these issues. After all - I was going to be eating a fraction of the amount of food that I ate before, I would have no reactions to worry about! WRONG.


I have already documented numerous places my new and total intolerance of anything vaguely dairy related. Even butter and hard cheese are consumed in small quantities at my own peril.


But what is really starting to annoy me is the exacerbation of reactions to miniscule amounts of corn and wheat. The scale says I've now lost 43lbs since surgery, which is great! But there have been days where that painful, warm edema has returned to my hands and feet, making sleeping an uncomfortable and fruitless proposition. Finally realized I was drinking a ton of Crystal Light...which uses maltodextrin, which comes from....corn. Drat. Cut out the Crystal Light, switched to tea. Better.


I'm finding that eating food out is a challenge. I had some mashed potatoes (and a smidge of gravy) from Boston Market, and puffed up like a Macy's parade balloon. Logged on to their website to peruse ingredients: Milk solids, wheat starch, corn starch.....wtf.


Got desperate for variety at one point, and had a Morningstar Farms Chik'n Patty, which at various semi-vegetarian times in my life I loved. I was able to eat all but 2 bites of the patty and felt very satisfied! ....until about 30 minutes later, when my hands started to puff up and my skin began to itch. Ingredients? Wheat gluten is pretty high on the list. Dammit.


I have no idea why my body has become MORE sensitive rather than less so since surgery. But all I can say is that I am annoyed and frustrated beyond comprehension. I feel like I'll have to become one of those neurotic people that read every package label and have no fun with life. Small favors, body....that's all I'm asking of you.


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They just have to cram corn into EVERYthing. Makes me so darn mad!!! Quit paying farmers to grow corn that we have too much of!! ARGH!!! Our health is paying for it. The wheat's not much better the way it is grown these days. Just not natural, maaaan. Sorry.....rant over... ;)

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I'm guessing that the weeks of liquid diet cleansed your system of the toxins, and you are feeling them much faster when introduced to your cleaner system. At least with this slow introduction and testing of foods your tummy will like, offers an awareness of what your body doesn't like. I'm sorry you are so sensitive. I have a friend who has to make her own food due to gluten issues. It is stressful when you can't just trust you will be simply nourished when dining out. Wishing you WELL!

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Artificial sweeteners cause me to swell up and give me serious migraines. I have to be very careful not to have too many things with them. I can handle Truvia with no problem though. I also have edema issues and burning burning and itching pain in my hands, arms, legs and feet. I'm so sorry you are going through this.

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