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3 Pre-Surgical Cheats - No More!

Kat Crowder


I have been a bad girl on my liquid pre-surgical diet. I'm forgiving myself for all 3 of my cheats and moving on, I'm going to do these last 6 days right!


I had an excuse for the first one. After starting on Monday, I had my pre-op testing on Tuesday a.m. and an ultrasound on Tuesday p.m., so fasting with no liquids from 7:30 until 10am, then downing a quick shake and nothing more until after my ultrasound at 4:30. I was soooo hungry, and I got sushi. No biggie, one cheat at the beginning, get right back on that horse.


Saturday I went to the amusement park, and I brought protein powder with me, but left it in the locker while we went on rides, so I went 6 hours without anything to eat, after getting up late and only having had one shake that day. I was grouchy and hungry and went to Red Lobster. It was really tasty.


Yesterday I had no excuse whatsoever. I just wanted to have nacho cheese fries from KFC/Taco Bell. I made sure I had a shake so I wasn't hungry, I made sure I didn't have time to get any before exercise class, I had a great exercise class and was feeling good about myself - but I _still_ went and got the cheese fries.


This is a mindset problem that I really have to kick. In the past, I've routinely eaten out in combination with other errands, and it's rare that I wouldn't get something if I'm out. "I have an appointment here, then I can eat at this place," or "I have an appointment there, then I can eat at that place." That can't be my reward or my treat anymore.


I'm blogging this because I've been afraid and ashamed to admit my cheats "out loud". But it happened, it's over, and I'm going to do better in the future.


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My physician required a 10 day liquid diet. The very first night I thought I was going to blow. I hate TWO double cheese burgers when I was running late to meet my fiance and had to pickup my son. I bought him chicken nuggets.... Then I realized its MY own decision, this is for ME! :)) I could do it.

You can do it sweetie!

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I cheated on my pre-op also. A week before my surgery, I had TWO heaping full servings of lasagna!!! A few days later, I had a 3 cheese cheese burger with onion rings. Perfect example of emotional eating...because i was SO nervous for the surgery. But low and behold, the day of surgery, I was down another 3 pounds!! Who new??

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I'm so worried that if I cheat my liver won't shrink and my surgeon won't do the surgery! Man.. what would I give for a burger and fries right now!! Day 9 of preop.

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I'm afraid of that, too - I don't know how much of a difference your starting weight matters, either. Am I less likely to have a problem because I'm a low BMI to start with? Or no matter how heavy you are to start with, 2 weeks on the same diet gets most of the fat out of everyone's liver?

I've been reading a little more tonight, and I super super super want my liver to shrink because my doctor's planning to do a single-site through the belly-button area, and I don't want him to have to convert to a multi-site. I think when I see him Thursday I'm going to fess up and see if we should reschedule. :( That would suck a lot because I've done a lot of planning around it with a friend flying in to be with me for the first week, and making sure it was the absolutely best time to take vacation. Rats.

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well for me I didnt do the liquid diet at all.. naughty i know but oh well... i think they only make you do to get you motivated to loose a few pounds before the op to make it "safer' when you are under maybe.. also remember reading somewhere in my research of all of this (going to have to hunt it out now) that it doesnt neccessarly shrink the liver.. "only could help".. anyway that being said i told my doc i didnt do it and he wasnt too fazed , just shrugged and said make sure i stick to liquids after op.. been a week today and still doing liquids, no desire to eat actual food yet, even cooked the family a roast with all the trimmings and normally the smell would have me picking at it before i served it, but lucky for me still no desire for it.. all went fabulous with the op and still doing fab now .. no problems at all.. hope all goes well with your x

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Thanks, petal. Sounds like things are going well for you. :) I've been watching a lot of videos of the surgery, and it looks a lot easier when the liver is solid and small. It makes sense that carb and fat starvation cause your liver to release its stores of glycogen, but how fast that happens and how fast it reconverts is something I don't know about. We'll see what my doc says today. I'm not in the mindframe that he's going to suggest I reschedule now, so I hope that's the right spot.

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