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I wish I would have thought to write on here before. It would have been nice to look back at pre-op. But what is done, is done.


I was sleeved on Monday, April 16 2012 by Dr Alberto Aceves in Mexicali MX. Surgery was uneventful. The first couple of days post op were normal - some gas, a blown peripheral IV...normal things.


I was released to home on Thursday, April 19th....I drove myself the 4+ hours back home.


Since I have been home...each day, I have felt progressively worse - physically and mentally. Today I feel like I am at my bottom.


I ache all over, from neck, through my abdomen, all the way to my hips. For the first time since surgery, I have nausea. It gets better when sitting, worse when standing and almost unstoppable when walking. My first two days home, I could walk a mile without issue (I'm a nurse - I spend my entire day walking, one mile is normally insignificant.) Today...I could barely manage to make it to the soup aisle in the supermarket and back to the car without total fatigue and agony. I have a tightness behind my sternum that never seems to go away.


To top it - my stomach feels like it is on the LEFT side of my upper abdomen, and it is freaking me out. The left side of my abdomen continues as firm and tender to palpation since surgery, with minimal reduction.


I can't tell if these things are normal, or if I am just being paranoid/psycho patient. I have been able to consume around 1 liter of fluids daily, and minimal protein. Every shake or supplement I have attempted has ended up with me curled up in bed, in agony. It feels like a lead weight in my chest and stays that way for 2 or 3 hours after consumption. I've tried watering it down, making it hot, cold, tepid...no dairy, no chocolate, unflavored...you name it.


This is the worst decision I have ever made. I don't know how I'll live through it.


Rationally, I know why I did it. I am 31, and 2 months ago I was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease. I am a Type 2 diabetic. I have exercise-induced asthma, I am (was) hypertensive. I had tried and failed diets for almost 15 years. I had to do something.


But right now, sitting here crying over a bottle of sugar free Propel that I just can't seem to get down...I feel lost.


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I hope things get better for you very soon! I don't think I have ever seen someone who regrets having the surgery after the first few months, if that's any comfort at all... feel better soon!

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I'm sooo sorry you are having all these problems. My surgery date is coming up and I go back and forth about this decision every day. I will pray for your comfort. :(

Please let us know how you are doing.

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Here's the thing - you're in the medical profession, from what I understand, people in the medical profession make the worst patients. BUT they're also the first to know when something really IS wrong.

Because everyone's body is different and every surgery is different, its hard to tell if something is wrong. It does sound like you're dehydrated - being that you feel that way and can't get anything down. Find yourself some gummy vitamins and supplements - those seem to be easier to get down. I found the propel and gatorade to be too thick to my tongue - vitamin water zero and sobe life water seemed easier to drink than water. Hot water with a little peppermint oil in it went down smoothly - the peppermint oil can help with the nausea.

I hope that you turn the corner very soon

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I too was sleeved on the 16th. The thing I can say is try to get in the fluids. I've also had a few hiccups post-op. I keep reading and forcing myself to get the goal amt of fluids and proteins in. I had the worst case of acid reflux and gas, skyrocketing blood pressures post op so what I can say is I feel scared but not yet regretful. I am starting to feel hungry. I have to put lemon juice in my water to get past all the sugar-free but still sweet alternatives for water. You will get through this but you may also consider visiting your doctor sooner.

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Call or email Dr. Aceves' office. You should not be feeling as badly as you describe. And I agree, you have to get more fluids in.

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Lady, Medical people are the worst patients, IMO. Call your doctor. To me, it sounds like you are dehydrated and that makes it difficult to think rationally. You may be dehydrated enough that you need an iv, but try to get some fluids in you. Warm broth went down easier for me than anything else early post-op. I've read that others even resorted to taking a spoonful of liquid at a time and letting it trickle down their throat. Whatever you need to do, you must get some fluids in before you end up having problems.

As for regretting the surgery, it's done, so you've got to find a way to wrap your mind around it. Concentrate on the positives, which is tough to do when you're feeling poorly. But, you're already losing weight and you will see the differences very quickly, including resolution of the co-morbidities.

(((hugs))) It will get better.

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It so gets better with time. I agree with everyone else. LIQUIDS are so important at this stage. I am eight months out and almost 80lbs lighter and I wouldn't change my decision for the world. It is true that it gets worse before it gets better but when the ball starts rolling the results are phenomenal!!!!!!

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Wow, I am sorry that you are ill. I pray things get better for you. Keep the faith and make sure that you get in contact with your doctor asap!!!~!

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So I did contact my Dr's office...the response was to walk more, try to get some gas out, and let them know if I spike a fever, start vomiting or develop sharp/severe abdominal pain. I made a concerted effort to get in as many fluids as I could yesterday through this am, and still can only hit 1.5liters. Much more than that and the nausea evolves from nagging to threatening.

Better luck today. If I can't bump it up in the next couple hours, I'll head over to the ER for some fluids and eval.

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Feeling any better today? I would suggest finding someone immediately to take over your care. As i'm sure you already know, that is the bad thing about going out of the country for any procedure. There are cost involved and many bariatric surgeons do not touch patients who have had surgery out of the country. It sounds like you may need to have an UGI Edoscopy though.

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