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Needing Help From My Women Sleevers Out There..

Soon to be me


So, I got my sleeve on December 19th 2011. Im four months out and 60lbs down! (whoo-hoo!!) With that being said..before my sleeve, i had not had regular periods for about 6 years. I gained my weight very fast, with my first pregnancy, and my GYN thought that was the culprit. I would only get my period maybe 2-3 times a year, and this concerned her. I was pretty ok with the whole deal, before i knew that at my age, it could cause some serious health risks. Since the surgery, i have gotten two periods. One was last month. Last week i finally got under 200 lbs for the first time in YEARS and was elated! i was at 197. this week, im at 203!!! :( My last period started about three, almost four weeks ago, and im praying to bb jesus that Aunt flow is on her way. I did have a day that i didnt eat as good as i normally do, and i feel like im REALLY paying for it. I guess what im looking for is, well, has anyone had problems with their cycles before the sleeve, and became regular after losing some lbs? ANNND how much do you guys usually gain during your time? I never noticed when i was regular..cause i was not consciousness of my weight like i should of been (obviously) Im so scared that i have TRUELY gained weight..i havent gained at ALL with the sleeve. I have stalled...but this, this is disheartening.


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My weight tends to fluctuate around 3 pounds during that time of the month. It is most likely very normal for you to have higher numbers during your period. I always try to stay away from the scale during that week. It only causes unecessary stress for me. Don't feel bad about one off day of eating either. I've had plenty of those. :)

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I have always been irregular ,maybe getting cycles one or twice a yr . Ive been trying to conceive for the past 10 yrs but due to my irregularity its kinda been difficult with not having a cycle every month :( This was one of my main reason I decided to go for the gastic sleeve procedure , I was sleeved on 1/18/12 and have lost 62lbs so far . My cycles have become regular , even before I would diet and get under 180 , i would have normal cycles but right AFTER if i gained up to 185 everything would stop .. :( My cycles are not 28 days cycles , there a lil off but the good thing is that I started getting them month to month , acoording to my doctor he said it can take a few months due to hormones regulating themselves..... hopefully this is whats going on, and maybe next year I can have good news :)

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My periods were fairly normal, but came about every 6 weeks...since surgery I am right on the 28 day marker....However I tend to not gain during the TOM but I did not lose not even 1 little ounce...I kept to my regular diet and drank more water (which of course makes you pee more)....When my weight is lower, I tend to notice my body does react differently to a number of things that I would otherwise not even notice, or that I havn't noticed in many years.

Good Luck

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