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Teeth Whitening Part 2, Shopping In Mexico And General Health 5 Days Postop

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In my last post I wrote that I had to go back to the dentist for another round of the teeth whitening. Again, I found it harder then the WLS in terms of nerves (nothing like being trapped in a dentist chair with mouth guards in not speaking the language in essential a "foreign country."). He was definitely recommending a good teeth cleaning because I had some tarter buildup (which was probably true since I generally avoid the dentist office but do brush and floss on a regular basis). He offered to do it but I just wanted out of the chair!


I would most definitely not recommend doing the teeth whitening (the dentist himself was very nice but I did wonder about the general cleanliness of the office and procedure...I won't go into details but some of the stuff made me go ewwwww and wish for tons of hand sanitizer!) . I did it because I thought it would be cheaper then the Zoom treatment (which is was) but I didn't get the piece of mind that I think having it done in the States would have provided.


Afterward Ana took me shopping. She offered yesterday and I should have said, "No thank you." I don't like shopping in the States and I don't need any more clutter in the house so it wasn't like I was dying for anything in the souvenir end of things. Geni, the other sleever in the hotel, was smart and opted out. She has children at home and is taking back Mexican convenience store candy/chips for her kids. We did that with our son when we traveled because he thought the different flavored candy and chips were cool (and makes for a nice cheap souvenir for the children...he took items to school in his lunch and his friends thought it was "cool").


Ana took me to Revolution Road, which is a main shopping street for tourists coming into Tijuana. This meant lots of sombrero, poncho, and knick kacky things and worse the haggling that comes with it (haggling is up there with dentists for me :) I liked the jewelry but the rings I were eyeing up were priced at $123 and he came down as much as $75 but I could get them for $40 in the States (sure not genuine silver or handcrafted but I am not that picky about my jewelry as a whole). I couldn't eat or drink (and there were lots of those places as well) so the appeal of walking around was lost on me and I asked Ana to take me back (I think she was doing it as a courtesy for me which is awfully sweet but was unnecessary).


I never like going shopping on vacation. It isn't something I am ever dying to do. I prefer to do spa like things on my vacation as a whole (plus eating and drinking). I know this isn't a vacation "per se" but it is a bit for me (and I saved up some spending money for the trip).


Dr. Kelly did come to see the two of us today to answer any questions and generally check on our well being before we leave tomorrow. I wish I'd know he was coming up to the room or I would have picked up a little.


I wanted to know about the bandages on the incisions. Mine are still covered up and she said just to wait until the bandages come off on their own. I wanted to know exactly how important the stomach pills he gave us to which the answer was, VERY IMPORTANT. (Yikes! I have not been taking them just because it seems overwhelming to take the two at night but I will start tonight!). He didn't seem concerned about my lack of getting fluids in. He said the stomach will expand making it easier to get the fluids in (Geni managed to drink an entire bottle of Gatorade last night and I was seriously impressed!...not at one time just to clarify). I asked him if I could skip the Gatorade (too sweet for me) and he said that was fine. Geni said she thought that they put a breathing tube in while we were under in the operation (she said she felt it being removed). I didn't feel it so I asked and Geni was correct...they did put a breathing tube in which explains my somewhat sore throat. I asked what was the best way to remove the surgical adhesive residue that is currently very unattractive on my stomach (think peeling off a label on something you have bought and the residue that is left behind...which is pretty much how it feels and looks). He said it will come off in time during bathing.


Health wise I have plenty of energy (no more, no less then before). I am working on getting more water in today. Getting my period sucked a bit and I am a bit sluggish as a result (happily going down for a nap in a few minutes) but no pain to speak up (still some gurgling and I have to count to at least 20 before taking back to back sips of the water). The food smells delicious downstairs but I am happy to write that I am not hungry.

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Thanks for the updates. Yeah I learned myself that the bandages aren't supposed to be pulled off OOPS!. I bought some surgical tape yesterday and attempted to clean off the "goo" and was going to replace the bandages, then I was like ummm this doesn't feel right. I tried using alcohol to get the goo off, it didn't really work. Today I almost scrubbed my skin off in the shower and most of it came off. Yesterday I met my friend at Panera and went to the mall. I feel regular and normal. I took today off because I thought I would need a week off, so I'm enjoying lounging around at home. It's weird, I'm having bowel movements, they are liquid but it's weird because I'm not eating anything. And also my whole digestive system is just very noisy. I'm doing well with water, Gatorade, and popsicles. I could actually do without the broth. I already decorated my April calendar with the days we can start protein shakes, and skim milk, then mushy foods. I've been good and not stepped on the scale. I'm going to commit to only weekly weigh-ins (on Wednesdays). Have you tried PowerAid? You might like it better, it tastes better to me but the Gatorade isn't bad so I'm sticking to it. I hope you have a safe journey home!

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I'll try the PowerAid. I'm at the airport now - it took us 2 hours to get over the boarder! Ana said on Sunday that it can take upward of 4 hours.

Someone on the other board posted that nail polish remover worked to get the surgical goo off. I'll try that tomorrow.

My bowel movements are liquid as well (nice to know it isn't just me!).

My ability to drink more liquids have gone up each day. I'm drinking an airport apple juice at the moment and am almost half done. I count to 20 after every sip so that sort of helps keep me in check. I'm finding that super sweet as well (almost at an annoying level). I'm not sure if I gained some sugar sensitivity with the surgery. I only drink the low sugar kind at home so maybe my body is simply not use to it. I haven't had broth yet that might be something I try tomorrow (when sadly I go back to work :(

Good idea on marking the calendar. I'll do that when I get home as well.

Glad to hear you are doing well. Keep me posted on your progress. I'm not sure what day I am going to weigh in but I'm with you....once a week is fine (which is what I always did anyways).

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