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Moving Forward...

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I am grateful to report that while the inital response from my insurance was that the sleeve was not covered, it turned out they just mis-read the policy. It is covered. Now, begins the hoop-jumping. The traditional 6-month, doctor assisted weight loss program is required, and since I had already started such a thing with my chiropractor (an herbal cleanse that helped take off a whopping 12 lbs and then stalled) in January, I believe that June or July would reach the 6 month mark. She has already offered her full support, and will provide the necessary check-ins and documentation to support my endeavor. I've been with my chiropractor for nearly 20 years, and she has witnessed my struggle. She told me she was proud of me for taking the necessary action to improve my health. I keep expecting those I tell to exclaim their horror at my choice, and not a single person has done so.


Today, I saw my Internist for severe body aches I've been suffering (turns out it may be caused by the antibiotic I've been on for an upper respiratory infection), and I also received her full support and enthusiasm. I wonder how my Neurologist, whom I see for my severe sleep apnea, will respond when I see him next week. We check in every few months so he can read my CPAP card and ensure that I am truly breathing through the night. Since I still suffer from fatigue, I often wonder if I'm not holding my breath while I sleep.


I dedicated 2011 to resolving my fatigue issues, and decided that since even Provigil (made for Narcolepsy) couldn't keep me awake, I would be open to any form of healing that is presented. So, this week, I sat down for BioMeridian testing, and it determined that I have issues with my digestive and endocrine systems (duh), and so I'm now taking supplements to support them. I'm not absorbing protein well, which is actually backed up by blood work that consistently shows low protein. If it turns out not to be just a bunch of hooey... then my body should be in very good shape for surgery down the road. I was also introduced to something called Cell Food, which are oxygenated drops of minerals and amino acids that are supposed to conquer fatigue and inflammation. I tend to be a skeptic, and so I reserve my opinion on said healing effects for some time down the road, when my body ceasing this aching and my head is clear of fog.


I met a woman in a WLS support group I've joined, who is using a FITBIT, which is sort of like a super-fancy pedometer, but it also tracks your sleep, not just your movement. So... I ordered one. I figured that I need to start adding more movement into my life, and I am fascinated by the sleep monitor. I feel like I sleep pretty well with my CPAP machine, though some nights it seems I am adjusting the mask all night long. I'm curious to learn, of the 8 hours I'm in bed, how long I'm actually asleep.


In summary, I am 43 years old... and I hurt like I'm 83. I dream of feeling well. I am not fantasizing about being a size 2 (which wouldn't be possible, anyway)... I am yearning to be free of back pain, knee pain, foot pain, ankle swelling, and suffocating in my sleep. I am on a path toward healing and wholeness. Because... I'm worth it.

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