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Ok so I am no alcholic but do enjoy a occasional drink on weekends if i have friends over or if i go out,, but I have been told that you are not supposed to have any alcohol EVER again.. was wondering if this is true and if not when when will I be able to have my glass of red again??


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I have not heard that you "can never have alcohol again," but obviously alcohol is empty calories. I have been sleeved for 2 1/2 months and have not touched any alcohol. For some reason "for at least six months" rings a bell. Alcohol is going to impact your weight loss since it had been proven to slow down your metabolism. Also, having a 4 oz stomach, therefore distorting your food absorbtion, it is something you want to be very, very careful of.

Prior to be sleeved, I liked "Diet coke and Jack" and beer. No more carbonated beverages so those two drinks are out but I too like wine and burbon with water.

Curious what others know, think and/or have done.

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I had my first drink (diet coke and rum over ice) at 4.5 months out. I felt a little tipsier than I would have felt from one drink before, but I've never been a big drinker. Several weeks ago, I attended a bachelorette party where I drank 8 drinks over the course of about 7 hours, along with several glasses of water to combat the diuretic effects. I felt buzzed for a bit, then sobered up REALLY fast. I'm sure my liver hated me, but I had no adverse effects. No weight gain, no hangover and we had a blast. I did dance all night, so maybe that affected my alcohol absorption.

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wow Lissa ur such a party girl lol.. never a drinver, never smoked i stay drug free for now lol.. i find it amusing just to hear others fun adventures ...

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I am under the imppression that no alcohal until your wounds/staples have healed. It could affect the healing process. I plan on asking my surgeon first though.

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I had a few drinks at about 2 1/2 weeks out and didnt feel any different than I would have before surgery. I had them over a course of 4-5 hours so maybe that is why. I just sipped them ( vodka/cranberry) with water as well. I dont think every once in a while will hurt but I am sure they dont want you to drink because of the empty calories like everyone else says. Your body will tell you when it doesnt like something for sure.

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LOL, Enerfina! Yes, I'm such a party girl! I hadn't been out before the bachelorette party in probably 2 years. I do have a big circle of friends, though. We just don't spend a lot of time drinking. :)

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I attended a reception last month (90 days after surgery) and forgot myself (control) for awhile. I had a Gin and tonic (okay then another) and some of the finger food that came around.

I was also told absolutely no alcohol after the surgery. I had already cut back because it interfered with my arthritis medicine (which as a NSAID, I can no longer take).

The next day, my body DID tell me something.. don't do that again... ever.

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ok so thats good,, at least I can look forward to a drink between 3 and 6 mths out.. phew lol.. going in next friday for lapband removal then 10th may for sleeving which i cannot wait for, only bugger is my friend gets married on the 19th may.. dont mind not having a drink then or even not being able to eat the food but just hope I am well enough after surgery to go..cheers for the imput guys

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I went in for my pre op endoscopy on Friday and I told the doctor that I was going to enjoy St. Patricks day this year before my surgery on April 18th. I said since I cant drink beer anymore once I have had the surgery. He said I will be able to drink A BEER. He said if you sip on one beer it will not kill you but you will get buzzed quicker and dont over do it. I was happy that I will not have to give up beer for ever but will not be able to drink what I can now (which will be a good thing LOL).

I am 5 weeks out as of tomorrow. Getting a little nervous, a little anxious, and looking forward to getting smaller again.

I have to go in the attic and get my old pants out. Luckily I have kept my old dockers and jeans from when I was smaller. I will not have to buy as many new clothes. (Guys are lucky their stuff stays fairly similar).

My wife has been dieting for about 6 months now and is down 70 lbs so I am very proud of her. She is doing great she has much better will power than I do.

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I had 2 glasses of wine about 3 weeks out shhhhhhh! I was tippsy very fast....

heheeh ok I willl keep it quiet lol

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I went in for my pre op endoscopy on Friday and I told the doctor that I was going to enjoy St. Patricks day this year before my surgery on April 18th. I said since I cant drink beer anymore once I have had the surgery. He said I will be able to drink A BEER. He said if you sip on one beer it will not kill you but you will get buzzed quicker and dont over do it. I was happy that I will not have to give up beer for ever but will not be able to drink what I can now (which will be a good thing LOL). I am 5 weeks out as of tomorrow. Getting a little nervous, a little anxious, and looking forward to getting smaller again. I have to go in the attic and get my old pants out. Luckily I have kept my old dockers and jeans from when I was smaller. I will not have to buy as many new clothes. (Guys are lucky their stuff stays fairly similar). My wife has been dieting for about 6 months now and is down 70 lbs so I am very proud of her. She is doing great she has much better will power than I do.

well I just like the odd drink every know and again so its good we dont have to give it up altogether...70lbs loss from your wife that is awsome definatly something you and her should be very proud of.. I go in tomorrow for my lapband removal so a little nervous tonight eeek..

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I had my surgery on 1/19/12 and I started drinking about 3 weeks after. I was worried at first because everyone says you get drunk so much faster but that was not the case for me. I actually was wondering if I would ever be able to get drunk and crazy again. I started drinking captain and water with a splash of Diet Coke and that worked well. In most bars the soda is pretty flat either way but adding the water cut on the sweetness. I have continued drinking since then and thankfully have been able to get drunk and cut loose. I have noticed now I sober up a lot faster. Also I have not noticed any negative effects with my wieghtloss. A lot of people mentioned soda, I have no problems drinking soda or carbonated beverages. Hope this helped answer some questions.

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