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"its Makin' Me Dizzy! My Head Is Spinning...like A Whirlpool, It Never Ends!"

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Wowzers! My lovely friend was sleeved on Sunday and she says that NOTHING is worth the pain! So, I remind myself that everyone has different pain tolerances and that pain relief in DXB is RUBBISH in comparison to the UK! Morphine and codeine based products are banned...maybe I should start smoking weed! lol. (just kidding, of course!).


Mum is here at the moment on a visit and I have decided not to tell her about the surgery...I would rather go back to the UK in a few months a different shape and after healing. She will probably crucify me for not telling her and the more I think about it, the more I want to tell her, but to be honest...well, that is why my head is spinning!!


I've been reading a few books on the subject and although I am trying to be as pro active as possible - being quite healthy in the run up to the surgery and exercising a lot, my mind does wander...I am scared. Really scared. Not of the food issues that I have - I kind of have a good hold on that but the actual removal of stomach; the pain of recovery; the fact that yes, I do believe that I am a loser for going through with this surgery; the fact that I need this surgery to help with the little will power that I have. I am so angry at myself for letting myself become the way that I am. I am so angry!!


I am kind of angry that you can get this surgery soooo easily over here! Like there is no vetting system or emotional support! I mean really?? What the hell???!!!


I am angry at society, I am angry at life and I am angry at my sodding stepfather loser Sh&*bag who bullied and bullied me to run, lose weight, work out until I HATE HATE HATED it.


Vent over! *Phew!*


Sorry about that! Please dont think that I am one of these people who thinks that the world owes them a favour. Believe you me, I know how blessed I am and I know that to get to the light, you have to go through the darkness first.


But now is the time. To take back the night! To regain control. I look upon this surgery as an addition, not a loss - an addition to life. But on the other hand, it is also a loss - I will lose the bad habits, the weight, the sadness. I look at it as a challenge and a boost.towards the path of a long and healthy life, ensh'Allah! I WILL complete my dissertation for my masters before this surgery. I WILL have this surgery and I WILL recover well. I WILL exercise regularly, I WILL run again and it wont hurt as much. I WILL go to dance lessons again. I WILL buy beautiful fitted, tasteful clothes. I WILL enjoy intimate times with my husband much more! I WILL live for myself and for him and my daughter and of course for me! I WILL!!!


I belong to a programme that is global - cant tell you which cos its a secret. But, I am so thankful for it because it has given me tools to deal with so many aspects of life. It has given me the tools that help me refrain from using something to numb pain...I am so thankful that I joined this programme before the surgery. I read about cross over addictions...


Anyway, wow, I need to shut the hell up! But I would like to say that each person on here inspires me. I am thankful for this site. All you wonderful men and women are courageous and strong. I hope that in turn I am able to listen to you, to learn from you just as you listen to me witter away!


Have a peaceful day.


Sending love, light and laughter to you all. L xx


Below is my most favourite poem. Enjoy!




Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.


Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.


Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.


Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.


Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.


Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.


Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.


And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.


Strive to be happy.

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I remember having a lot of the same issues leading up to my surgery. You have the right idea about surgery. You look it as an addition to other things you're doing. That is the right mindset! It is not just a magic pill but it will make a huge difference in the battle. I'm sorry your friend had such a hard time pain wise. Honestly for me, it was not that big of a deal in the pain department. I think it does depend on your pain threshold and if you've had surgery before. The people I have talked with who have had surgery before feel in general this is not that painful. I mean of course there is pain but not like it could be. So don't worry too much about that. I know you will do great!


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Lol - not saying that you should do anything illegal but if you were in California and you could use weed, I definately would not smoke it - I would (theoretically) get a vaporisor, or put it in cholocate milk made of half and half. THC (i learned about this in California :/ ) is most potent in a fatty mixture - else u loose most of it.

But it is a drug, legal, illegal, whatever - and yo should really be aware of how it would affect you - especially related to your mental health and any, any, any meds you are already on.

Mo codine in the UK? I never needed to know that, but that is scary! What do they do for people with pneumonia and such, if morphine and codine are banned?

SEE - I knew there was a reason I don't go abroad anymore!

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About the rest of your post:

I made a decision not to tell my Mom (Mum, lol) and I don't regret it. But mine is a bad ending anyway - my Mom passed away a week after my surgery. Had I told her I know I would have spent the rest of my life wondering if I had worried her to death. She was 58 and it was totally unexpected.

...I kind of have a good hold on that but the actual removal of stomach; the pain of recovery;...

Even if you do don't be harsh on yourself if it slips a little. It is ok to freak out. It is OK to look at your stomach and cry. It is OK to have moments that take your breath away when you realize you will not interact with food the same again, and that you will not interact with people and food the same again. This will decrease for most us of as we concentrate on fixing our demons, and slowly realizing the change is not crazy-drastic.

People do not tend to remember the bad as much as they do the good. It is a good-ol scientific fact. It is one of the reasons why they offer medication sometimes to people with photographic memories - if we remebered all the bad, it would overwhelm. Imagine remembering every bellyache, every cut finger, toothache - every off word or deed!!! So we forget, and we remember good AND we all work at a subconcious level to actually make things less than they were - even if we can remember the importance of the event...What I aim to get at there is you will eventually - and not too far off, if you step up and deal with your issues (we all have them) you will look back and the crazy monumental feelings will still have importance and depth - but will be "normal" for you. The change will feel lessened, and eventually you will recall but not feel very connected to the old you. My best example may not be for everyone but I have been with my Hubby since 1999. It seems he has always been there - so has the farm and his family - even when I have had a chance to be with friends that are pre-hubby I feel as if he is in there somewhere. You will feel that way about you new life, new healthy choices, exercize and hopefully an active lifestyle.

I was self pay, and I walked into the doctor's office with an offer of cash across the board - which made it crazy easy to get the surgery - and I really suprised them that I still wanted the names of the nut, the counselor, etc - although I had been going to a nut for my diabetes, a counselor abotu 3x a year for diet and "burn-out" on the diabetic lifestyle, etc.

I urge you to get a support system going as soon as you can - please. If you cannot find one take the initiative and create one. I would hope that with it being as common as it is you could reach out to many needful people.

You really spiked my curiosity about the pain management. But if it were very verily shhhh I guess you wouldn't mention it in the first place...like govermental? M16, M15??? GCHQ? DIS?

Lol - don't get the conspiracy nerd in me going. There are very good ways to self-manage pain. I learned a few myself after a really bad incident, and more when I took them with a friend dying of cancer. They helped physical pain - but also emotional pain.

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Lol - your responses really brighten my day!! In the UK we are allowed to use morphine and codeine...in Dubai (which is where I am living), we are not as it is classed as 'haram' - not within Islamic guidelines...codeine is opium based)

I am sure that they have alternatives! You just cant get them over the counter xxx

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Hey darling. Don't get worried much. I am getting better. Will be there for you in the hospital and support you. Just don't think about it much. I told Maria if you guys want to come to my place sometime this weekend for a coffee. Deb will join if you need to talk. see you. xoxoxo

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