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I'm Pissed



It's not really about the liquid pre-op diet or the fact that my husband has chosen to cook ribs for dinner ( my favorite). I'm pissed at my surgeon right now.


This is how I think. If I could loose weight on my own and keep it off, I wouldn't be getting this surgery. It took me months to lose the required 10lbs to qualify for surgery. And to my credit, I've held that weight off plus or minus 2 since November.


Ok, next. I gain massive amounts of weight with my period. Always have. 5-8 lbs at least. I have PCOS, the wacky hormones come with the territory. The morning of pre-op I was 270. and severely bloated. I told him that. and do you know what he tells me???

"If you aren't at your pre-op weight of 266 on the day of surgery, we won't operate." Iwent from :blink: to :P "you're kidding right?" to :o to :unsure: and finally i'm at WTF :angry:


You're a physician, why would you put more stress on me knowing my issues with weight and that stress increases the amount of cortisol in your body, hampering weight loss efforts?? Why the hell would you say that to me? And for the past 4 days I've done nothing but obsess over what I eat, what I drink. I swear, I weigh myself every time I go to the bathroom to pee!


Better to have said, Hey, good job maintaining your weight. I understand your period is coming and I'm sure you're a little stressed out from your upcoming surgery. Just stick to your pre-op diet, and you should loose extra pounds before your surgery. Wouldn't that be great? you could jump start your loses with the pre-op diet! :D



I'm getting surgery so that I don't have to stress like this anymore. I should be entering into this surgery as calm as possible, not worried up to the morning of if I'm going to be cancelled.


The more I think about it the more

:angry: I get....


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When is your surgery date? Go on a liquid diet to get to goal weight. You will loose it fast. How much do you have to loose? You can do it if you choose. Being angry isn't going to help you. Unless you work harder when your angry. This doctor is a rule follower and doesn't deviate from the rule it sounds like. So just do it so you can get the miraculous tool to help get that weight off.

Hang in there!

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Thanks sassygirl06!

Dorrie, my date is 3/6. I don't work harder when I'm angry. I just needed a minute to vent. I'm stressed but I won't let it keep me down.

I've been on a liquid diet for 4 days and I lost 4 pounds. I will use a flush the day before to get the extra stuff out. I realize it may dehydrate me, but they will pump me full of IV fluids anyway, so I'm willing to take the risk :)

I'm hoping he was just trying to scare me and wouldn't do a thing like cancel surgery because I'm 267 instead of 266

and Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes you just need to vent, ya know. I'm all smiles now

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I wouldn't go into surgery even slightly dehydrated. It is harder to start your IV and for your recovery. Just stick to your pre-op diet because post-op is no piece of cake. It does take motivation to avoid head hunger and not eat junk you shouldn't or graze all day. I would recommend being in the best possible mental state before even heading to your operating room. Sometimes when the doctors see gains and not losses or even holding the same, they wonder if we are going to be able to stay accountable afterward. I have witnessed too many first hand situations where a sleever's weight loss has come to a screeching halt and began to add on because they aren't mentally prepared to make a complete lifestyle change and stop turning to food for comfort or not give in to cravings. I have faith that you will stun your surgeon and do marvelous, just be prepared for the hard work to come.

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I understand what you are saying. I am mentally prepared. I've been prepared for months now. I know that this is hard work. I'm just really frustrated that my hormones cause such a huge flux in my weight that its possible to have my surgery cancelled.

I can see how me being accountable would be a concern, I totally understand that. I won't try to make justify maintaining my weight while waiting for a surgery date because it will all just sound like excuses.

Picking it all up and moving forward at this point. I've vented and I feel much better :)

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I guess it depends on how bad you want it - You know what triggers your stress and your way of coping, try to work a way around it. drink as much water as you can. Don't beat yourself out of your surgery date.

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I would have been pissed too! Make sure you set up all your future appointments accordingly so you don't have to go through this again. He should have believed you because your PCOS must be in his charts, but also understand a lot of patients lie, so they are incredulous.

Once at your pre-op weight, if I was you, I would have a brief , nice but direct talk with him/her. It will benefit you greatly if he knows you are committed, so this doesn't happen again. Remember you will seeing this surgeon for a few years!

Something along the lines of "I want to let you know I am very committed and serious about this surgery. Last time I reminded you I have PCOS and had my period so I gained X number of pounds and you didn't seem to believe me. I know some patients lie so that made you incredulous but I want to make sure you know I am not one of them. I am committed and I will follow your rules but I am going to need your understanding once in a while." I would then smile.

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Longer-life, that's another good idea. I'm definitely going to document everything I've been doing and give them a call this week to let them know how serious I am.

I was talking to my husband and it hit me that my appointmet was at 1030 and I had been up driving since 330 am from DC to Portsmouth. I was drinking coffee and protein shakes the entire time so of course my weight was up! I was also weighed fully clothed, I think the next time I will strip LOL

I'm a lot more calm now that I've gotten different perspectives and ideas from everyone. Thanks for all of the support!!

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Your welcome. I wouldn't tell him/her on the phone though. I would mention it on your next visit. Glad you are calm. Best wishes!

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