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I'm Struggling With My Choice.......

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I had my sleeve surgery on Feb. 13, 2012 and here it is nine days later and I'm struggling with my choice in having surgery. I haven't had any pain or horrible side effects. At the beginning, the diet I've been on was not a problem. But today, I find myself not wanting to eat, not because I'm not hungary, I don't want to eat because I don't have the desire to eat one more serving of strained soup, liquidy mashed potatoes, protein shakes, etc. My first follow-up with my surgen is one week away and I know I'll be receiving my next "approved" list of foods. Because my husband had the same surgery with the same doctor/dietician I know that I will be going to the next phase of "blenderized" foods until the six week check up. Which again is nothing more than soft foods in a blender. As for weight loss, I weighed myself the day after I got out of the hospital and I weighed 295 lbs, today which is one week later, I weighed 289.4 lbs. So yes, I have lost some weight but given the small amounts of food I'm eating, I was expecting to see more of a loss. Are my expectations unreasonable, can I be the only one struggling with the lack of variety in their meals??? I can't say my husband has been much support because all he can say is, honey it will get better. Maybe this is the time I should say that he does not follow his reccommended diet, he eats/drinks what he wants and because of this, has hit a plateau after initially losing 60 lbs. Any advice or acknowledgement that I am not the only who has struggled is appreciated!! Thanks

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Trust me you are not the only one sick of strained soups, I find myself in the same situation of not wanting to eat simply because youre so sick of what you can eat. Tomorrow I get to move on to pureed foods and I'm soo excited.Ive also only lost about 15 lbs being two weeks and it does seem like it should be more when you're eating next to nothing doesn't it? lol Just wanted to let you know you are not alone, and my hope is that it will get better, we just have to keep our eyes on the prize and push through. I think we owe to ourselves to live a more healthy life!

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It's barely been a week, almost everyone has "buyers remorse" about this time, and many begin to suffer from depression. There are the hormone imbalances, after effects of the surgery and anesthesia-and of course the dreaded "full liquids" then "Mushies" diet.

You are probably also struggling with water weight gain from the surgery.

Fortunately my doctor realizes how sick people get of the soft foods and moves us right along quickly with a full regular diet at 4 weeks instead of the usual 6 or 8.

Not advocating you go against your doctor-just saying different doctors have different programs.

One thing that really helped me was to treat myself during this time. I went to Olive Garden and order soup to go. It lasted me about 4 meals. Well worth the cost. Many restaurants have good soups, go out to dinner and enjoy some time with your husband.

I have seen that many people have good luck with Wendy's chili, you could even put some over your "liquidy mashed potatoes". Have you tried refried beans heated with cheese? There are some places here that have lists of protein shake ideas.

Check out egg face's web site. She makes protein ice creams and tons of flavors of shakes.

Anyways you are not the only one that has gone through this. Check out some of the forums for newly post-op people. Almost every post says the same thing.

Good luck and hang in there.

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I just had my sleeve surgery on Feb 16th, when I was in pre-op I started feeling like I wanted to back out. I went through it and the evening of the next day I felt so crappy I wished I wouldn't of had the surgery. Its now day 6 and its much better. I too am suppose to be on the liquid diet and I too am so sick of broth, soup etc.. I started on soft scrambled eggs, cream of wheat, cottage cheese. I am tolorating it very well. I am also drinking the protien shakes and making sure that I get my protein. I'm sure I'm breaking all kinds of rules but I just can not do liquid any more. I seen my Dr. today, and no I did not share the fact I have extended my diet. I Looked online at the Cornell University sample diet for Sleeve and I'm following that. Ordering soups from restaurants is a great idea, I think I will do that when I go back to work.

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One problem with your lower than expected weight loss is that you may not be getting enough protein or fluids for you body to do its thing. I know that if you body thinks that it is being starved it will start to shut down and try and stop you from starving. You need to get in your protein and all of your liquids. if you do not like the protein shakes try some yogart or go to GNC and get some flavored fruit punch drink as it is high in protein and it is more like drinking a soda. Put it over lots of ice and get your protein. I know that eating the same thing day after day gets boring but if you husband did it I know that you can do it. Just take it a day at a time and soon enough you will be through the early stages and be able to eat more satisifying foods.

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The first month is the hardest, and buyer's remorse during this time period is very, very common. You just have to keep reminding yourself that the goal is very much worth it, and keep doing the things that you know are right -- eat healthy foods that the doctor recommends, sip, sip sip water as much as you can, and walk as much as you can -- and keep your eyes on the prize. It will get better... much, much, much better... even better than before the surgery. Trust us on that :)

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Just look forward - its the light at the end of the tunnel. It does get better. We've all been there. It will get better! I know a week seems like forever right now, but in the grand scheme of things, its a drop in the bucket. Just please make sure that you're getting your liquids in - you don't want to dehydrate!

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