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1 Week Surgaversary - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

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Happy 1 week to me. Wow. It has been a long week. The first day post op - I just laid in the hospital bed, out of it, immobile, sore, tired. I thought "What in the hell have I done to myself!". The pain meds were good for about 12 hours then the "real me" stepped in and was like - what in the heck are you doing? Nausea set in. They switched me out to something else that worked much better, started with a T. On day two, I did the swallow test. They said, one big swallow. I did. Then they took pics. They said ok, one tiny sip. I did. More pics. I passed. They wheeled me out to the hall for "transport" and somehow forgot me there for about 20 minutes. An orderly was nice enough to notice and then wheeled me back to my room. Day two, no bed, only chair. So the orderly puts me in the chair, and in his attempt to be helpful, he was placing the foot rest up - but did it in a sudden jerky motion. That was all she wrote - up chuck city. Note to self - sudden moves make me puke. Oh the discomfort. All I could think or say was I don't want to do that ever again. Puke, that is. I began my Physical Therapy day 2 - several rounds around the hospital floor. The discomfort was less, but still I felt like I had been doing sit-ups for 24 hours with no rest. Day 3, drain removed, catheter removed, and I passed gas. Yes, I just typed that. I had know Idea how important farting was to gain release from the hospital. Thank God I was alone when it happened. I thought it was gas, but in reality, it was an accident. I gambled, and lost. I was humiliated - but the nursing staff was amazing and so proud of me for having gas. Weird. I was released on Day 3 before noon. Very tender, excited to go home. The shock - I weighed 319 when I went in for surgery, I got home I was 328. WHAT? How could that be? My friend who is a nurse said it was the IV they pumped me up with and that it was water weight. Man - prepare yourself for that uptick and don't panic. I decided to set my weight loss goal to 160 - a respectable weight. I remember those days. I created my tickertracker - but really don't know how to make it show up on stuff, like this blog. I downloaded a food diary ap, my nutritionist said it was a good idea to keep one up to the post op appointment so that when I go in, I can be advanced to the next stage of the diet. I have found a routine - Isopure is with me all day - sip sip away to ensure i get my protein grams in. I have Vanilla, Chocolate, Latte, Chocolate Carmel whey, and a ton of sugar free jello and popsicles. The easiest for me is the popsicles. Don't know why - but I'm having 4 or 5 a day - they help with the hydration plan. I'm able to have my 3-4 oz meals of shake or broth with unflavored whey. Day 6 - I started craving cheese. I don't know why - but I felt like cheese would be so nice to have. It will have to wait. So, today - I'm feeling about 75% or better, still a bit sore, but mild sore. My incisions itch. As of yesterday I was down to 316. I've had 2-3 emotional melt downs. Where my face just starts leaking for no reason. I also notice that there is a party going on in my abdomen. Fire works, rumbly in my tumbly, lots of noises. I am painfully aware that boredom eating and stress eating were bad habits. I have to find a way to occupy my mind and hands when I feel bored or stressed. I don't feel hunger pains. But I feel the pattern of bad behavior. So, major milestone for me - who has never had a surgery before, lived to see the other end of it. One week out, a few pounds down, new patters and behaviors forming, and I'm feeling better each day. Friday is my post op visit with Dr. Rosenthal and my nutritionist. I'm ready for Friday to be here so I can celebrate another milestone. :biggrin2:



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I'm happy things are working out for you, I really enjoyed and laughed while reading your blog, keep your spirts high, and you will do great. Kathy

sleeved 12/12/11


now 215 -45

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You are a good writer! Congratulations on your new life; it's always good to read the stories of those who have gone before...I just put super-duper sanitary pads on my list of things to pack...no gambling and losing here! :-)

Happy 2nd week post-op!

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