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Best Birthday Gift... But Still Have A Ways To Go

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January 25th was my surgery... i wanted to wait till my first post op appointment with my doctor to find out my weight loss. So It's been 2 weeks and I'm happy to say I lost 34 pounds!!!! YES!!! I started at 341 lbs and now I'm 307 lbs. Right now I'm following the diet to the T. I regret not preparing myself before surgery because right now it's all mental for me. The diet itself isn't hard but I wish there were more things I could taste (don't we all). I'm on stage 3. Today I finally tried eggs it went okay. Day by day I'll get use to it. For quite some time I've been smoking, drinking, and EATING my life to death... to be honest I had drinks 2 weeks before my surgery. I quit smoking for 2 weeks to take my labs and smoked 2 days before. I didn't realize how foolish and selfish I was until I laid there awaiting surgery. My life flashed before me and I couldn't believe all that I've missed. It's hasn't been long but I know I'm not going back. Well, that's my start.

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Believe me Teatime, it is a life long struggle! I too was on the road called "Eating Myself to Death". I love to cook and bake, and of course, I love to eat! That is how I got to where I was. I had my procedure almost 8 months ago, and the weight just seemed to melt away after my surgery. Now the weight loss is slowing down, and I am (trying) to come to terms with eating in a correct fashion. I still love to cook and bake, and it is SO hard not to EAT!

I fixed desssert last night (at my husbnad's requst) and ate it myself (he didn't even eat it after I fixed it for him!) and when I got on the scale this morning, I had gained 4, Yep that's right FOUR fricking pounds!!!!! I know that one desset didn't do that, it was a combination of the food choices I made yesterday. So today I have made a decision to get serious about my weight loss.

I HAD lost 100 pounds, now I am only down 96 pounds. The last 15 pounds have been SO slow. I have really struggled. And now I am gaining, so I HAVE to get serious! (I think my 100 pound weight loss lasted all of twenty minutes. I was lucky that I happened to get on the scale during one of those 20 minutes!!!)

I used to drink alcohol on a fairly regular basis. (I don't mean go out and get drunk drink, just a cocktail before dinner, or a glass of wine with or after diner.) But, I have found that alcohol doesn't sit that well with my sleeve. So I have pretty much given up on drinking. ~Good bye margarites that I love, ~ Goodbye chocolate martinis that I crave.~ Goodbye Peach Bellinis that were so much fun at Lunch occasionally!~~~ Goodbye.

And now I am saying goodbye to desserts that I love. Oh how I love to read those receipes for Red Velvet cupcakes with frosting an inch deep! How I love to read a new Beef Stroganoff recipe that is loaded with sour cream and calories. How I love to read (Oh Hell you get the idea!!!)

Instead, I am choosing to be healthy and fit! So, Excuse me, now I have to get up off my butt and go get busy, my treadmill is just around the corner!!!

By the way, Congrats on your weight loss, and thanks for letting me vent! Best of luck on your journey!!! I mean that, good luck. It is a journey, and it can be a life long struggle, But as my Dad used to say, nothing good comes easy!

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Well I just chime in on not being able to eat your cooking, because my kids say they never liked my cooking noway! I cook a lot better when Im not eating, because thats when I take my time and really cook! When Im eating and cooking, why I just want to scoop it down my gullet, and get it past my lips, and scoop fashion up on over the gums, along side with health and many other qualities I dont deny. Ye Ha, lets not hide, but be cool and stride over to the ligiments that stretch, not like the old ones that blew out the first time my 300 lb butt took a spill in soft grass!

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Thanks Helen on venting I loved reading every moment of it... 1 night 4 pounds? oh man something I don't look forward to... but hey I'm taking in everything. Jhope I don't remember when the hell my family ever wanted to eat my food. Thanks ladies for the read. I'll be looking out to see your journey...

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