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Dear Food: You Suck! ....and I Love You...



Dear Food,

I know you think I'm stupid for talking to you because...well, you're food and you can't hear me. I just want to tell you that it's been quite a ride these last 42 years. We've had our ups and ups and ups and ups and downs and ups and ups. It's time for our relationship to change. I'm not breaking up with you, because I still need you to live, however, our relationship has to change now. And really....believe me when I say...It's not you. It's me. I'm the one with the problem, so don't ever blame yourself. You're really sweet. And salty. And delicious...OH WHAT AM I SAYING....how can we ever part?? NO!! We must part for a time. Two weeks- no more than five, I promise. When we come back together- things will be different. You must hide your sweetness from me. Don't tempt me further with your refinements. I want to see the REAL you....the one with all the vitamins and minerals and protein...yes...I said protein. Hey, I told you things were going to change. And for pete's sake, stop bringing your friends around! But don't worry...you'll always have a place...sorta...close to my heart...





No, I didn't have a mental break. I start liquids Monday. (siiiigh) :lol:


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LOL! That is hilarious! And I can tell you that for me, being almost 5 weeks out, food just doesn't have the same appeal to me anymore. I've been out to eat 3-4 times now and things that I used to love just taste "ok" to me now, and I have no desire to pig out on them anymore. I've heard other people say that as well but I never believed it would be that way for ME, but it is and I'm grateful!

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Just gotta love this. I had a love hate relationship with food forever and now I can take it or leave it. My favorite foods don't taste good and the things I hated taste great. Love the fact that all I need is just a taste (1 bite) of something and then walk away.

I hated green veggies wouldn't eat them at all and now I find I crave them go figure.

I am 6.5 weeks out and eating (tasting) food again but with out the worries. If I even have 1 bite more than my stomach thinks it can handle it lets me know in a hurry. Love'n my sleeve. I average about 4-5oz any more than that I get sick.

Food has lost it's appeal for me and am very thankful.

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I think it is very healthy for alll of us to write our dear food a memo...I am with most of you...things just don't taste like they used to...

Food used to be my comforter in times of hurt feelings and bordom... I am sooo glad I am not foods best friend anymore!

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you said everything I have been thinking....love it, The taste of food has not changed for me, but 1 bite of the bad stuff is enough and I am satisfied. I am 5 weeks out and barely eating some a few bites of tuna.

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