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Rewriting The Old Lies.



I've noticed that I have these certain scripts that I go to constantly. I have learned that I can "get away" with semi-solid foods even though it's not past two weeks yet. So, I say to myself (or try to rationalize) that this is completely ok, and that it's not fair that my family can have sweets and whatnot when I can't. So my resolve falters and I find myself in my room on my bed, crying because I'm a failure (or so i have labeled myself).


The other thing I find is that so often things happen so fast that I can't seem to get a handle on them. It was like this even before my surgery, and I don't quite know why I thought it would change after, because it certainly hasn't. I find myself saying my scripts, and before I know it, the deed is done, and I can't take it back.


So what do I do? What is the solution for a Jesus girl (term I LOVE--from Lysa Terkeurst's "Made to Crave") like me?


I've been praying about it, and I'm still not quite sure. Except maybe for praying scripture, and tearing myself away from the situation. Also, I think writing in my journal would help--I'm kind of an obsessive writer... and writing in my journal is one of the biggest ways I am able to feel free enough to pray.


But I think the solution is probably in prevention. Seeing a thought coming, being on guard all the time, and praying for God's strength to see me through. Because I can't fool myself into thinking that I can do this on my own. It's not possible. I need divine willpower, and a shield made of miracles. And God is the only One who can provide those things for me.


Anyway, those were just some thoughts I've been having..


If there are any prayer requests, I would love to take the time to pray for you.



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Erica, I will be praying for you. Believe me I understand what you are going through. God will answer your prayers. Don't give up and don't give into your past circumstances. You will get through this, please hang in there.

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You are not a failure. You did have the surgery after all, which is step one. Now you just need to change the old habits and ways of thinking. God and prayer are very strong tools in our lives, always there and never faltering. I prayed long and hard about what to do and the answers came, just give it a chance. Your prayers are herd and will be answered in God's time not ours.

You can do anything through Christ and with Christ. I have a little moto I say all the time when things start going wrong it is

Step by Step Day by Day with Jesus. I thank God for every day my feet hit the floor and I am alive.

We all have the messed up thinking and it is very hard to give it up, so don't beat yourself up about it, ok.

Think about the reasons you had the surgery done when the bad thoughts want to take over. It has helped me through the past 18 days. I had my surgery on the 12th of December and I to wanted real food before I should have it.

I will keep you in prayer and in thoughts that God will continue His grace on you.

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