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4 Going On 5 Days Post Op



So I figured I would make another post since I left alot out of my last drugged up blog lol


I've now been home from the hospital for 2 and a half days.


Today has been ok, better than yesterday. I got 8 hours of sleep in 4 hour blocks. I went a full 8 hours without pain meds for the first time but i think only because i was asleep during most of that.


I've got this huge bruise on my inside arm from where they did one of the IVs, looks like chopped liver and turning all sorts of colors now.


The backs of my legs have been itchy since the surgery, its very weird. I'm not sure if its because of the inflatable things they had on my legs while i was in the hospital. Its not as bad as it was but still concerning.


I've also got 2 blisters under my steri strips. One is much larger than the other and its near the outside not near the incision. I just cut off the steri strip section that was covering the blisters and dabbed it with some hydrogen peroxide. Hope they clear up tomorrow. My stomach has also been itching all over since surgery.


I think i'm starting to get dehydrated, my tongue is whitish on top. I only got in 44 ounces today and i know even less yesterday. Its weird that I get more gassy when i drink plain water than when i drink crystal light water.


The gas is still a problem. Sometimes i have a gas bubble when i take a drink even if its a sip and it feels like i have to burp but usually cant. I've also had sharp gas pains that feel like they're near my back spine area.


I've been trying to walk every hour for at least 5 minutes at a time, not sure if this is enough, the Dr didnt really say how much.


I'm confused on what clear liquids mean because the box of powder they gave me to make into soup surely isnt clear, its also disgusting so i started taking canned progresso soups and draining them and having the broth from them. I figure as long as its pretty runny liquid(nothing creamy) it should be ok.


I've decided to stop reading the forums as they started freaking me out with the stories of leaks etc. Being self pay I literally cannot afford a leak. So i'm just keeping my fingers crossed and trying to follow every rule.


On the bright side the scale said 298 today, its the first time i've been under 300 in like 7 years.


So I lost 16lbs on the pre op diet and another 2lbs since Monday and i know I still have alot of water weight.


Well that's all i can think of for now. Off to bed.


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O wow I thought I was the only one having these same problems. I also am 5 days post-opt and feel like I can't get enough to drink

Today I put my favorite drink (tea with lemon) in a one liter bottle to see if I could finish it will see what happens. Hope all goes well for you and Congrats on taking the 1st also.

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I weighed this morning and was at 298 also! I was so excited to be in the 2 hundreds again... haha... can't wait 'til onderland! I still can't believe they only gave you tylonol at one point in the hospital... that must've been miserable. I'm pretty sure draining the progresso soups is counted as clear liquids. My nutrition class said that was fine. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!

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