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5 Days Til Happy Sleeve Day... Who Knew I'd Miss Eggs And Chicken So Much!

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So, I have to admit... this pre-op diet has been quite difficult.... I think I slightly underestimated the hold that my FRENEMY food had on my life.. In fact, I should call it my food master!!! I've always been the type to not want anything, it if I couldn't have what I wanted... so, day 1 was SOOOO hard!! I wanted eggs, I wanted rice, I wanted cheez-its!! I had to tell myself, NO, NO, NO!!!!! It worked until 8ish and I was desperate to chew... I got over it!!!


I'm learning that there will be lots of times when I will just have to GET OVER IT!!! These few days have taught me some very valuable lessons:

  • I can't expect to just WAKE up and be a healthy person mind, body and soul.. All of it takes working through some difficult things and training myself to gravitate towards a new normal.
  • Some of my journey must be private and/or only shared with a very select group of people. I have no room for constant negativity... the "old" me is constantly looking for an ally.. so, I refuse to give "her" one..
  • I must be diligent about ensuring that my head and heart are aligned when embarking on this life altering event... (I have, but it's still not a cake walk!)

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You are 5 days close and I am 8 days close. What foods do you eat and not eat? Is broccoli and cheese soup ok?

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Wow...your time is fastly approaching. How do you feel? Are you getting anxious, excited, nervous... "D" all of the above?! I am sure you will do well. It sounds like you are keeping a level head especially through the liquid diet. That to me was harder than the surgery - LOL. All the best to you and please keep me posted.

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LOL.. I'm STRUGGLING with this pre-op diet!!! LOL...

I can't do broccoli and cheese for a month!!! I'm only doing shakes and water...

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I'll admit the liquid post op diet sucks.. but you may be in some pain so you wont want much anyway.. during that time picture yourself making healthier choices. The 3 week puree phase was easier, cream soups, cream of wheat, puddings were my friends during this time. I got a blender and blended peaches and pears. I blended boiled chicken and added it to cream of chicken soup. I could not get in hardly any protien so I didn't lose any weight during those three weeks. Now I'm in soft foods and can eat eggs, tuna, soft fish and things are working out much better. The other thing I've noticed (and I hope this happens to you), food taste different so the things I craved before I don't crave now, except chocolate.

You will make this work, becuase you've taken this drastic step and you'll learn to use the tool to your advantage while still treating your self to the foods you love (eventually). Good Luck!!

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Hang in their girl :) I struggled too. chewing gum helped me a lot this week. I went out to eat with my family at a china buffet,I had jello pudding and broth,ice cream.it was hard to see my other past choices. It was also interesting to see the many plates people were filling up around me. Your on the right path. I get sleeved tomorrow :) Deb

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