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From: I Must Retract My Last Goal Thread... Omg You Won't Believe This...

LilMissDiva Irene


So, I said I wouldn't try for those Size 0's after all... well... I took them out of my closet to possibly return them for a larger size, which I was going to go for a 4. For some crazy reason I though, what the heck - I'll try them on... why not? Who cares? It would just be interesting to see how far I can get them up.


Well... take a look:




For the record, I'm a little weirded out by this. I still have a lot of swelling to go down from my lipo. How small am I gonna get??? WOWWWW!!! Happy? ABSO FREAKIN LUTELY!!!! I fitted my Zero's without even trying!!!! I LOOOVE YOU SLEEVIE!!! I LOVE YOU LIPO SURGEON!!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!



Source: I Must Retract My Last Goal Thread... Omg You Won't Believe This...


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I am more than half way there to begin my beginning. I have seen my doctors, and I have passed the tests needed to have my surgery done. I am now scheduled late December to have my sleeve gastrectomy. I am excited, but at the same time I am afraid. There are risks with all surgerys, I know, but it still does not keep me from being scared. Any suggetions? I start my 10 day prep on 12/12/2011.

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Being apprehensive is very normal. You just have to realize this and keep it moving. You will be changing your whole life and the simple unknown is the scariest thing to all of us. Stay positive, keep reading the stories here but also prepare yourself for all sides, including complications. You'll need to know warning signs for your own well being. Best of wishes to you, and I'll keep you in my prayers. :)

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