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Forget that last blog



In one phone conversation, my feeling of happiness went down the drain. My insurance coordinator just called and told me that my insurance will not approve the sleeve because my BMI is below 50. Why they didn't know that before, I don't know. Surgery is scheduled in 10 days. She said I could make a member appeal...but it's been 6 months already. I just don't know if it's worth it. She said my insurance will cover the band. As of right now, that's the route I'm taking...although I hate it. I'm super scared of the band, but it's either that or nothing. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.


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Do you have any comorbitities? Your doctor can do a peer to peer session with the insurance company,,in other words..go to bat for you. Don't give up yet :) Cover every option till you run out. As a last resort, I would discuss lapband and bypass (if your insurance allows) with your surgeon to see what a back up option might be. I haven't read your whole blog yet but if you don't mind me asking,,what is your bmi?

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Hey. No comorbities. My doctor did do a peer to peer session with no luck. I told them I would get the lapband even though I'm freaking out about it. My BMI is 44. I'm currently trying to concince myself that this was supposed to be happen. That for some reason, I wasn't supposed to get the sleeve. Now I have to rewire my brain so that it starts believing the lapband is a good thing. Uugghh. Thanks for your response.

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What about considering self-pay using care credit? I know it sucks to have to do that, but then you get your sleeve.

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Oh my...and I thought I had it bad! The day before my scheduled sleeve surgery (Nov.2nd), my surgeon called to tell me he was cancelling my surgery due to a death in his family. It was rescheduled...for 3 weeks later (Nov. 23rd). As of Tuesday, it will be 5 weeks of liquids...by surgery 6 weeks! But after hearing this..I won't complain anymore! God bless you dear and I will pray for you!

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