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No Water = Weight Gain

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This is so frustrating. I have been working on developing the habits neccesary after my surgery which includes no water 30 minutes before, during, and 30 minutes after a meal. I haven't been drinking 15 minutes before and during and I have been making it about 10- 15 minutes after before I have to drink something. This is a big accomplishment for me. I have also been working on chewing my food very well. I still have to not allow myself to get distracted and do better with it when I eat alone. I will work on that too. I noticed that some of my changes seem to have resulted in me gaining weight. For example, now that I am focused on being sure that I get breakfast, my metabolism is higher so I am hungrier much more often throughout the day. Also, I have noticed that when I don't drink water during a meal, I need to eat much more to get the same feeling. I don't know what to do! I am bigger than I have ever been in my life and it only seems to be getting worse when I combine these habits. Not sure how to work on this. :(

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I am pre-op... surgery is Nov. 2nd..and I know what you're talking about. I too have used the past 3 months to prepare for this permanant lifestyle change. What I found that worked for me is...I made my plate..or ordered as normal. Then I would only eat half...take home the other half or freeze it. Sharing with another person helps too! This helps you cut back on large protion sizes.

I am on the liquid part of the pre-op...and it is easy because I was already use to the small portions.

I drink 80-100 oz of water a day...so I never really feel hungry! Eating slow is still a hurdle for me. I have 4 girls living at home and 4 other grown children outside of the home..we are never still. So...that will be my greatest challenge!

I hope this helps! :D

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I agree with you completely. Ironically, I find I do my best with eating and chewing food to mush when I am driving. It gives me something to do and I pay close attention to bite size and length of chew vs. when at dinner table in conversation. I am sure I am not going to be happy about my liquid diet, but I think I may do better than many. I already drink a ridiculous amount of fluids and have stopped eating midway numerous times so that 30 minutes can pass and I can have a drink. I already prefer drinking over eating because I am so busy I can take it with me anywhere. I have also found a severely decreased satisfaction in eating food when I have to concentrate on every single bite. We do family dinners every single night and I have always been a slow eater. However, now I feel like everyone is done and hoping I will finish soon so we can all get up. It takes a lot of enjoyment out of food.

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