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Don't tell God how Big your storm is, tell the Storm how Big your God is.....(KATEYEZ0208)

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Sweet Toni


I've heard the quote before but in this time of my life i certainly didn't apply it. If there is anyone out there like me, having fear, doubt, and worry it is definitely time to STOP!

I can think of a ton of reason why i shouldn't have bariatric surgery, but i can think of a ton of reasons why i should. My sister said to me the other day "IF YOU HAVE THE SURGERY YOU COULD DIE, IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE SURGERY YOU COULD DIE".

Im gonna lay it out there, IM SCARED! Im scared of being cut, i'm scare of being sick, i'm scared of being put under and never waking up, im scared of sutures busting, or a leak or malfunction. I'm worried that i'm not making the right decision, that maybe i can still do it on my own. Yes if you can't tell I can be a worry wort! Its usually silent, i don't share it with anyone until it almost eats away at my insides and i just have a breakdown.


Has anybody else felt this way? I'm feel like im the only one who has felt this way, which i know i'm not!


Those words up there are soooo true, tell the storm how BIG YOUR GOD IS!!! Refuse to doubt, refuse to fear, TRUST IN GOD. This is not a decision i've taken lightly. Its not something i decided on yesterday. So why do i doubt, why do i fear? WHERE IS MY FAITH?


So from this day forward i vow to trust instead of doubt. I will believe instead of worry. I will remove fear and replace it with faith.


No matter what happens, i know EVERYTHING will work out fine

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Sweet Toni, I think we all have some degree of fear and angst of the unknown, anytime you are having a surgery and being sedated you have to have faith in your surgeon and the medical staff attending , I know I prayed about it and put in the Lords hands and kept it moving. Everything turned out execellent !!!!!!! I am so happy I made the decision , I am 3 mon. post op and I feel absolutely great !!!!!!!! I was a 16/18 and I am now 12/14 ,even though I dont see it my clothes tell the story and my breathing is not rough and loud anymore. Hope this helps , keep the faith it will all turn out fine!!!!

Two fingers, One Love !


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Sweet Toni, getting sleeved on Monday Oct 10th and I have the same questions you took all the words from my mouth was talking with a friend this morning with the same fears.....faith is the word.... thxs for posting this I will read this everyday until my surgery ......

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Preach!!!! You really inspired me with this one, i almost cried but you know i'm reading this at work and i dont want to ruin my makeup..lol.. You are my home-girl and my VSG buddy, i will support your decision either way, but i know that this is something that could help you out tremendously. I do believe you can do it on your own, we all could have done it on our own but this tool i think is a God-send that really forces us to change habits. I'm excited for surgery, i know that you will get to that point as well. It will be hard but like you said, i'm going to replace fear with faith. I swear this post is just awesome!!!!

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Ladies, you guys are amazing!!!!

@CAMMYD: thank you for your encouragement, knowing that you are doing great is sooo soothing and makes my heart feel better.

@angelica: OMG!!! I'm totally saying a prayer for your RIGHT NOW! Keep me posted, i have faith God will keep you

@Vsg Doll: you my girl!!!!!! thank you soooooooooooooo much, you have been such an amazing friend and supporter. Come saturday morning we will have soooo much to talk about, i can't wait til you find out when your surgery is, we will be screaming so loud they will try and write us up! lol hahaha, love you girl!

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Sweet Toni... it is human nature to think like that! But our spirit knows that GOD takes care of his children! We are his children! I pray that GOD gives you peace about your thoughts...and blesses you with everything you deserve! :)

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Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 :D

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