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Pre-Op 9/13/11 I'm NOT crazy! :)



Yesterday I had my required appointment with the Psychologist for my "evaluation". Now, I don't think I'm crazy, far from it but I have to admit I was nervous. You see all these scenes on TV or in the movies and people end up laying on the couch and crying so I really had NO idea what to expect.


He went down a list of questions:

Do you eat and then throw up - No

Are you anorexic - No

Are you an alcoholic - No

Are your parents alcoholics - No

Were you molested or abused as a child - No

Have you ever experienced domestic violence in a relationship - No

Do you bing eat - No

... and on and on ...


After what seemed like an eternity of "no" answers he looks up at me and then back down at his paper and says, "well, you're kind of boring"




If THIS is what boring is then I'll take it! :)


One appt down, now I just need my 2 Dietician appts. Hopefully they won't think I'm boring ... or crazy!

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When I had my psyc eval, I think I asked as many questions of him as he asked of me. He asked questions like "Do you hear voices when no one is in the room?" "Do you see people that aren't really there?" "Have I been abducted by aliens?" I kept asking him if he really has patients that talk about those things......He kept reminding me we were here to talk about "me" not his job. :D

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