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3 days post-op, day 1 at home

My Life as Liz


I managed to get some decent sleep last night. I can't say the same for Jess who just moved to the bed to get an extra hour before work. Me with 3 pillows under my upper half, one behind me supporting my lower back and one between my knees doesn't leave much room for him. Normally sleeping on the couch wouldn't bother me, but not in this condition. I got about 5 hours of sleep before waking up. I got up and I was in a lot of pain. So I took my pain meds while pacing the apartment, then went back to sleep for another 3, this time with a cold compress on my head, and now I'm up.


They gave me this anti heart burn pill to take. Idk if I should take it yet or not since I'm still on liquids and not eating meals yet. It is a small pill but the thought of taking it scares me a little. What if it hurts. Ok, I took it. Here's hoping for the best. Now I wait half a hour, then I'm going to have some Jello.


I need to shower. I can smell myself. I haven't showered since monday morning.


Ok. So I just brushed my teeth. And my face is clean now. I'm a little worried about the body, but now that I have those two knocked out, I feel a little more confident about washing myself without getting too much water on my front. It's been about an hour since I started this entry, for reference.


I'm having a Jello cup for "breakfast." Jello cups are never ending. Yesterday I had one and it felt like I was eating it forever and it was still there.


I'm going to attempt to shower now. I've got my outfit picked out. Wish me luck.


It's almost 2 hours from the start of this entry and I am now clean.


3.25 hrs later I am dressed, medicated, and wondering when I should take the carafate.


Maybe I should start posting times. I started this entry around 8:30 this morning. It's 10:58 now.


I called kaiser about the carafate. And I asked a question about it on the board for my support group. It says to take it a hour before eating or 2 - 3 hours after eating. But since I'm not technically eating, I'm not sure how to take it.


I finally finished a jello cup. At noon I'll take carafate. And then at 12:45ish it will be time to medicate again.


It's 2:10. I took the carafate. Took a nap. Got up, medicated. I'm having Swanson's beef broth, which is nommin, and I paid most of the bills.


The guys for the flies came even though Jess called the front office and told them not to. And they're supposed to warn me if they're going to paint again. I can't remember if I wrote about it yesterday or not, I woke up from a nap around 4pm and my apartment smelled really bad like chemicals. Like paint thinner or something. It freaked me out. I was crying. I called Jess 3/4 times, no answer. I texted his mom She called me and and asked if I wanted them to come get me, I said yes. So I sat out on my patio till they came and got me. Turns out they were painting the apartment behind ours and the paint fumes were coming in from the ac. I was freaking out because I didn't know what the smell was and I didn't know if it was going to hurt me or not in my fragile just got home from surgery condition. And there was stupid in the pool, just like there is today. So that added to my freaking out.


I'm going to try taking a B-12. While in the hospital I couldn't imagine taking my vitamins when I got home. I told my surgeon and he said that I could wait a week or two if I wanted. That I wouldn't get any vitamin deficiencies.


I started my period at the hospital. My face is all broken out. I wish I had something to put on it. You'd think I would with all the beauty junk I have, but no. My skin is usually the least of my worries. I'm almost out of my face wash, so idk if we're gonna go to the mall tonight and get more or order it online or what. The benefit of going at getting it is that I can get a sample of stuff for my breakouts. I just texted Jess' mom and she happens to be going on base soon so she's going to check the price of Purity for me. My coworker buys hers on base, so I wonder how much cheaper it is.


3:37p It feels like this gas will be the death of me. It's like I have to encourage it to come out. Coax it. I've been trying bending down on all fours on the bed trying to get it out that way. Leaning over the couch a little seems to help too. Burping really hurts, so I'm trying to fart. When I feel like I've swallowed air I pat my chest to see if it'll come up. Usually doesn't, but it helps with the pain.


4p Now we has purity. It was 6 bucks cheaper on base.


I kinda want to turn the ac on but I'm scared because the office smells a little to me. Could be my washcloth from earlier. but I don't want to chance it.


My itchiness is getting closer and closer to my incisions. I wish one more of them had a bandage over it because it's so freaky looking. I want to take pictures of them.


4:23 I just took macro pictures of my stomach. The one incision that freaks me out is so gross looking! I couldn't get any good shots of the bruising on my arms from the blood thinner injections.


I don't have the sensation to pee like I did in the hospital. So I've been gong every so often. I probably just have less liquids in me.


8:06p I took carafate one more time. I've been standing and pacing the apartment most of the day. I'm sitting now (but probably won't be for long) and the gas bubbles are back.


Well, it's 8:30p and I going to go to bed. I'll probably wake up a few times in the night. Here's hoping it's progressively better.


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